Резюме від 16 травня 2023 Файл


Legal Counsel

Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.


Address: Bellariastrasse 41, 8038 Zurich,
Phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Email: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Date of birth: 04.08.1989

ICA Membership


Attorney- at-Law, LLM
Legal and Compliance professional with 10 years of diverse experience with consulting,
investment, and trading companies, as well as high-tech start-ups. Highly motivated individual with
result-oriented focus, excellent problem-solving, leadership, project management analytical and
communication skills.

SIGTAX AG May 2018 – present
https://sigtax.com/ Zug, Switzerland

• Building and developing a legal and compliance department from the scratch
• Managing team of 15 people; performing training to a team
• Project management; Management of launching e-money institution in Liechtenstein
and management of getting a FINMA authorization for asset management company;
• Project management on creating a software for a fiduciary company;
• Reviewing and negotiating agreements (sales contracts, licensing agreements, share
purchase, employment, loan/credit, service provision, non-disclosure etc.); drafting
legal documents (PoA, minutes of meeting, agreements);
• TM and patents registration;
• Preparing all set of documents for web-sites (privacy policies, cookie policy, general
terms, etc);
• Handling of all compliance and legal matters of the company and affiliates
• Cooperation with notaries, lawyers and state institutions;
• Handling of onboardings and KYC due diligence procedures, including related AML
tasks; Developing AML/ KYC procedures and ensuring their implementation;
• Company formation and opening bank accounts in Switzerland, Liechtenstein,
Luxembourg, Ireland (other countries), registration of changes within the companies;
• M&A: providing hands on support globally to corporate transaction projects;
• Managing corporate matters, from registration to liquidation of legal entities globally,
including mergers and acquisitions in collaboration with external counsels. Cooperation
with investors.
• Providing day-to-day advice to the clients on legal and regulatory requirements;
• Development of corporate/internal procedures and business development; searching
for new partners and service providers;
• Close cooperation with CEO and top management.
LLC “Olir Resources” May 2017- May 2018
https://olirresources.ua/en Chornomorsk, Ukraine

• Organization of legal support for the activities of a group of companies (Olir Resources
is a leading terminal in transshipment of vegetable oil in Ukraine);
• Organization of legal protection of the holding from legal, economic risks, ensuring the
implementation of the most efficient economic model;
• Drafting and negotiating all types of commercial contracts;
• Organization and maintenance of the workflow system (automation of the control
system for the timing of agreement and execution of contracts);
• Tax planning, risk assessment of new projects;
• Preparation of analytical materials, expert opinions on legal issues;
• Development of proposals to improve control over compliance with contractual
discipline, eliminate identified deficiencies and improve production and economic and
financial activities of the enterprise;
• Interaction with the state. authorities and external consultants;
• Representation in courts on all issues related to the activities of the company, including
independent development of a legal position and preparation of procedural and other
documents necessary in the judicial process.

Barristers Association “Partnership” May 2017 - May 2021
http://sofos-group.com.ua/ part time job (Odessa)

• Dispute resolutions;
• Negotiations;
• Court hearings (attending court hearings in civil and commercial proceedings, preparing
all procedural documents, claims, lawsuits, providing evidences to the court,
participation in examinations, preparing appeals, ect. )
• Litigation Management;
• Corporate and Commercial matters;
• Drafting legal documents and contracts.
Audi Odessa (LLC “3S Auto Elit”) September 2015- May 2017
https://www.audi-odessa.com.ua/ Odessa, Ukraine

• Legal research, drafting legal documents;
• Represent interests of the company in governmental organizations and courts;
• Development, implementation, updating and control of regulations governing the
contractual activities of the Company, also the legal due diligence procedure;
• Development, preparation and legal analysis of company contracts, as well as the
implementation of ongoing legal support for pre-contractual negotiations and legal
support for the execution of contractual obligations;
• Consulting on the issues of execution of corporate documents of companies;
• Registration and reorganization of legal entities included in the group of companies;
• Provision of representation in the executive and judicial authorities;
• Legal examination of documents related to the main and additional activities of the
company, preparation of analytical opinions, proposals;
• Legal analysis and risk assessment, development and implementation of measures to
minimize identified risks and prevent new ones;


University of Zurich
Master of Law – LLM, International and Comparative Law
August 2022- September 2024

ICA International Advanced Certificate in Anti Money Laundering
October 2022 – February 2023

Master of Law (Diploma with honors)
Bachelor Degree (Diploma with honors)
2006- July 2011
National University “Odessa Academy of Law”
Odessa, Ukraine

Advance One Business School
Business, communication, management skills
Odessa, Ukraine

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Financial Crime - certificate June 2022 (High Speed

Foundations of Project Management by Google – currently taking a course
EUBAM Study Visit to Brussels: Lectures, master-classes and conferences in different European


establishing and developing of relationships; teamwork; presentations; time management;
creative thinking; critical thinking; decision making; self-organization; cross-cultural
communication; conflict resolution.


Ukrainian, Russian – native
English – Upper Intermediate (Academic IELTS with overall band score 7.0)
German – B2 (taking courses currently to approve the level)

Proficient computer skills, especially in MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet

Traveling, meditation, self- exploring, yoga, reading, psychology

Схожі кандидати

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