Резюме від 3 червня 2023 PRO


Principle Web Developer

46 років
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Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон, ел. пошту та LinkedIn.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Lead Software Engineer

з 07.2022 по 11.2022 (4 місяці)
Amdaris UK, Bristol (Remote), Remote (IT)

Architecting and implementing framework-level solutions for the team to use for the next epic of development.
Mentoring team, creating branching strategies, conducting refactoring and promoting good coding practices.
Django, Django Rest Framework, REST API, Python, JavaScript, JSON, Ajax

Lead Software Engineer

з 11.2018 по 01.2022 (3 роки 2 місяці)
Private Contracting, Remote (IT)

Developed extensive PHP, Python, PostgreSQL, JavaScript applications
Developed internal web tools
Telegram bot with python-telegram-bot
Technologies: Python, PHP, MySQL, Unix, Django

Senior Software Engineer

з 12.2017 по 11.2018 (11 місяців)
Oath, Inc, Sunnyvale, CA (Marketing, advertising, and PR)

Developing components and features for enterprise level software with EmberJs
Architecting and Leading development effort of E2E testing with CypressJs

Lead Architect

з 09.2012 по 06.2014 (1 рік 9 місяців)
Hewlett-Packard (WebOS) – Acquired by LG Electronics, Sunnyvale, CA (Telecommunications and networking)

Leading architecture of LG TV navigation feature.
Architecting and implementing breakthrough features to be immediately adopted by thousands of people across the globe.
Inventing new features for Enyo and presenting them to the team.
Improving syntax and performance of Enyo JavaScript Library.

Lead Software Engineer

з 09.2011 по 08.2012 (11 місяців)
PayPal Inc., San Jose, CA (Finance, banking, and insurance)

Creating state-of-art prototyping solutions (PHP, JS, PYTHON, NODEJS)
Thinking out and implementing radically-new ideas of earning profit for the company.
Leading an innovation team in creation of new outside-of-the-box solutions
Rapidly learning new technologies and mentoring others.
Conducting technical presentations.
Coordinating efforts of engineers in a fast-paced environment and with a minimal list of requirements.

Software Engineer

з 01.1998 по 09.2011 (13 років 8 місяців)
Mozilla, Yahoo, Google, Speeddate.com etc (see full resume), Silicone Valley, CA (IT)

Software development. Please ask for full copy of my resume for details.


Heald College

Computer Science, Sacramento, CA
Середня спеціальна, з 2001 по 2002 (1 рік)

American River College

Computer Science, Sacramento, CA
Вища, з 1998 по 2002 (4 роки)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати


4 months

IBM AI Engineering

6 months

Знання і навички

JavaScript Python Machine learning Artificial intelligence Database Data Science NumPy Pandas TensorFlow PyTorch Scikit-learn Jupyter Notebook Signal processing Data Engineering AI HTML PHP MySQL CSS JQuery React Node.js Django Django Rest Framework Adobe Photoshop Bootstrap Git SQL OOP JSON

Знання мов

  • Англійська — вільно
  • Російська — вільно
  • Іспанська — початковий
  • Українська — початковий

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