Резюме від 21 лютого 2024 Файл


PHP developer

26 років
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Контактна інформація

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Nazar Verbivskyi
Software Developer (Magento 2, PHP, Symfony, Laravel,

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

● Language: PHP, Python, JavaScript
● Frameworks: Symfony, Laravel, ZendFramework, Yii2, Fuel.
● Db: MySQL, MariaDB
● Other: OOP, OOD, XDebug, Docker, Vagrant, CI/CD, Microservice architecture, API Integration,
Redis, ElasticSearch, twig
● Linux, Mac, Windows
● Tools: PhpStorm, WebStorm, Jira, Github/Bitbucket/Gitlab, Composer, Ray, Postman

English - B2 (Upper Intermediate)

• Lviv Polytechnic National University - Master's degree, Computer Software Technology/Technician
(2015 – 2021)
• Lviv Polytechnic National University - Master's degree, Management (2022 – 2023)
• Lviv Polytechnic National University - PhD, Management (2023 for now)

1. Creating a custom system for automatically creating themes for Magento 2 (colors, blocks, fonts)
2. Microservice for reporting orders for external services
3. API services for site analytics (time spent on the page, number of clicks, number of returns to the
previous page)
4. Custom modules with version support and test cases posted on marketplaces (such as: loyalty program
for employees, payment system, modification of the admin panel)
Summary Experience
Total IT experience 6 years

Employment History

Symfony/Laravel Developer (July 2023 – February 2024 ) Full-time

Role and responsibilities:
- Backend development(new features(controllers, twigs, script options))
- Help with code issues
- Refactoring low quality code
- Code review

Magento Developer (August 2022 – July 2023)

Role and responsibilities:
- Symfony, Laravel tools development
- Magento extensions development
- Customization Magento extensions
- Creating new extensions
- Creation of custom modules for the client
- Adding modules to marketplace

Magento Developer (July 2020 - March 2022)

Role and responsibilities:
- Full time remote work with a service company focused on creating Magento 2 web shops.
- Continuous integration with a large ERP system for one of the construction and development
- Creation of microservices for reporting orders to clients
- Creation of a service for automatic topic generation
- Tech Support
- Symfony extensions development
- Integration with various 3d party systems
Magento Developer (August 2018 - July 2020)

Role and responsibilities:
- Wordpress projects (WooCommerce)(development and support)
- Programming the admin panel with the help of ACF
- Worked on an internal project
- Shopping cart programming, checkout
- Creation of custom modules
- Communication with clients

Project Experience
Project: Globalbet
Developer role: Backend Developer
Worked on:
- Developing new features and bug fixing;
- Work with various repositories, such as api, admin panel, versioning, etc
- Showcase review
- Js features
- Code review
Technologies: PHP, Symfony, Laravel, FUEL, TWIG, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, Zend, MySQL,

Project: exactly Payment
Developer role: Backend developer
Worked on:
- Business logic modeling;
- Creation of the service part of the API;
- API for connecting the service to SRM systems;
- Full functionality with refunds, partial payments and credit. Worked on creating a system of auto-
generation of stores;
Technologies: Magento 2, WordPress, CS-cart, PHP, Symfony, Composer, Docker

Project: Gorgany
Developer role: Magento 2 developer
Worked on:
- Magento 2 support, bug fixing;
- Modeling product structure;
Technologies: Magento 2, PHP, Composer, Docker, MySQL, HTML, CSS, LESS, JSON, KnockoutJS,
Jenkins, Kubernetes

Project: Varus
Developer role: Magento 2 developer
Worked on:
- Development and integration modules;
- Code reviewing;
- Debugging and code fixing;
- Creating git flow;
- Creating admin and customer admin panel (with full and part access to tabs);
- Worked on creating a system of auto-generation of stores;
- Customizing Magento’s features;
- API work with external systems
Technologies: Magento 2, PHP, Symfony, MySQL, MariaDB, JSON/XML, HTML, CSS, LESS, JSON,
Composer, Docker, KnockoutJS

Project: store XDD
Developer role: Backend developer
Worked on:
- Development and integration modules;
- Code reviewing;
- Creating git flow;
- Worked on creating a system of product IA recomendations
- Customizing Magento’s features;
Technologies: Magento 2, PHP, Symfony, Python, MySQL, MariaDB, JSON/XML, HTML, CSS, LESS,
NodeJS, Composer, Docker, KnockoutJS, Jenkins, Kubernetes

Project: online store of cosmetic and services
Developer role: Magento developer
https://thescimus.com Worked on:
- Development and integration modules;
- Code reviewing;
- Debugging and code fixing;
- Maintenance and support (night time);
- Creating git flow;
- Creating admin and customer admin panel (with full and part access to tabs);
- Worked on creating a system of auto-generation of stores;
- Customizing Magento’s features;
Technologies: Magento 2, PHP, Symfony, MySQL, MariaDB, JSON/XML, HTML, CSS, LESS, JSON,

Project: DERMPRO
Developer role: Magento 2 developer
- Magento2 web-store programming
- Building Magento2 extensions
- Development of architecture for automatic creation of stores
- Creation of a system for automatic creation of topics
- Designed, built, tested and implemented stand-alone Magento2 modules, including payment and
shipping modules
- Product feeds modules installation
- Custom attributes add-on to the product
- Customized Magento's inherent features based on client needs
- Developed custom Magento2 themes
- Code review
Technologies: Magento 2, PHP, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, jQuery, MySQL
Project: online store of sporting goods
Developer role: Magento Developer Tasks
- Developing modules and widgets;
- Debugging and bug fixing;
- Creating static blocks and pages using setup scripts;
- Building web services to communicate with frontend client application;
- Building single-page applications with JavaScript on a custom-built framework;
- Developing and maintaining components of the e-commerce website, including shopping cart, quick
view, and checkout page
Technologies: Magento, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, Grunt, Composer, Zend
Framework, PHP, MySQL

Схожі кандидати

Керівник ІТ-відділу, системний адміністратор (DevOps), PHP-програміст
Дистанційно, Рівне, Дубно

PHP developer
3000 грн, Дистанційно

PHP developer

Full stack developer JS/PHP
75000 грн, Дистанційно

Програміст PHP
Дистанційно, Харків

Junior PHP developer
Дистанційно, Київ

Усі схожі кандидати

Кандидати у категорії

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