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Full Stack .NET Developer

24 роки
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Вінниця, Дистанційно

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Full Stack .NET Developer Denys Porutskyi

Full Stack .NET Developer
Tel. [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Email: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

I’m a Full Stack .NET developer with over three years of experience. Fast learner, responsible,
hardworking, stress-resistant, open to learning new things.

C#, .NET, .NET Core, ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework, Entity Framework Core, LINQ,
MSSQL, SignalR, Cosmos DB, Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, Bootstrap, HTML, Git,

Development Tools: Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, SSMS, Postman, GitHub Desktop
Process tools: Git (GitHub, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps), Jira (Atlassian, Azure DevOps), Azure
Web development: ASP.NET/ASP.NET Core MVC/WebAPI, Angular (TypeScript), JavaScript (jQuery),
CSS (Bootstrap), HTML
Databases: MSSQL, Cosmos DB

From To Company Title/Role

Sep 2021 Mar 2023 Netfully Full Stack .NET Developer

Oct 2020 Aug 2021 RemSoft.Dev Full Stack .NET Developer

Jun 2019 Sep 2020 StartApp (9323-9481 Quebec Full Stack .NET Developer

Dates of studying: September 2016 to June 2020
Name of institution: National Technical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Qualification: Bachelor degree in Cybersecurity

Name of Employer: Netfully
Dates of Employment: from Sep 2021 to Mar 2023
Job Title: Full Stack .NET Developer
Full Stack .NET Developer Denys Porutskyi

Technologies: C#, ASP.NET/ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework/Entity Framework Core, MSSQL,
Cosmos DB, SignalR, SendGrid, Azure Service Bus, Azure Blob Storage, Angular (TypeScript),
Bootstrap, jQuery, JavaScript, LINQ, CSS, HTML

Name of Project: NDA
Dates of Employment: from Sep 2021 – to Mar 2023
Job Title: Full Stack .NET Developer
Project Description: NDA
Role: Full Stack .NET Developer
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments
Developed code in C#
Reported work status on a periodic basis
Adding new functionality
Bug fixing and adaptation of old code to new functionality
Communication with the support team, qa team and customers
Technologies: C#, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core Web API, Entity Framework, Entity Framework
Core, LINQ, Azure (DevOps, Blob Storage, Service Bus), SignalR, Cosmos DB, MSSQL, TypeScript,
Angular, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, HTML
Achievements: Localization of the project for several languages, execution of more than 20 code review

Name of Employer: RemSoft.Dev
Dates of Employment: from Oct 2020 to Aug 2021
Job Title: Full Stack .NET Developer
Technologies: C#, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core, MSSQL, Angular (TypeScript), Bootstrap,
jQuery, JavaScript, LINQ, CSS, HTML

Name of Project: NDA
Dates of Employment: from Jan 2021 – to Aug 2021
Job Title: Full Stack .NET Developer
Project Description: NDA
Role: Full Stack .NET Developer
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments
Developed code in C#
Reported work status on a periodic basis
Adding new functionality
Bug fixing and adaptation of old code to new functionality
Technologies: C#, ASP.NET Core MVC, Entity Framework Core, LINQ, Azure, JavaScript, jQuery,
Achievements: Automation of most of the actions that were previously done manually

Name of Project: NDA
Dates of Employment: from Jan 2021 – to Aug 2021
Job Title: Full Stack .NET Developer
Project Description: NDA
Full Stack .NET Developer Denys Porutskyi

Role: Full Stack .NET Developer
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments
Developed code in C#
Reported work status on a periodic basis
Building a project from scratch
Technologies: C#, ASP.NET Core MVC, Entity Framework Core, LINQ, Azure, JavaScript, jQuery,
CSS (Bootstrap), HTML
Achievements: Not yet, since at the moment the project has not been launched yet

Name of Project: NDA
Dates of Employment: from Oct 2020 – to Jan 2021
Job Title: Full Stack .NET Developer
Project Description: NDA
Role: Full Stack .NET Developer
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments
Developed code in C#
Reported work status on a periodic basis
Adding new functionality
Bug fixing and adaptation of old code to new functionality
Technologies: C#, ASP.NET Core WebAPI, LINQ, AWS, Angular (TypeScript), CSS, HTML
Achievements: Fixing a large number of bugs and improving the existing functionality

Name of Employer: StartApp (9323-9481 Quebec inc.)
Dates of Employment: from June 2019 to Sep 2020
Job Title: Full Stack .NET Developer
Technologies: C#, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core, MSSQL, Bootstrap, jQuery, JavaScript,

Name of Project: QAQC
Dates of Employment: from Oct 2019 – to Sep 2020
Job Title: Full Stack .NET Developer
Project Description: QA/QC Auditor App is designed to optimize inspection management process.
QA/QC auditing tool is used in multiple domains where Quality & Compliance inspections are required
i.e. Healthcare, Workplace, Hospitality, Vehicle inspections etc.
Role: Full Stack .NET Developer
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments
Developed code in C#
Reported work status on a periodic basis
Building a project from scratch
Technologies: C#, ASP.NET Core WebAPI/MVC, Entity Framework Core, LINQ, Azure Blob Storage,
Dropbox API, Slack API, Bootstrap, jQuery
Achievements: Successfully released

Name of Project: TamTam
Dates of Employment: from Dec 2019 – to Jun 2020
Job Title: Full Stack .NET Developer
Full Stack .NET Developer Denys Porutskyi

Project Description: TamTam - Customer Feedback App is developed to help business owners - from
the small one location business owner to the global multinational business with thousands of locations.
Customer Feedback App works great for business that needs to collect feedbacks in multiple locations.
Start gathering customer feedback and your customer satisfaction rate today. It allows your customers to
rate your service so you can gather feedback on how well you are doing. It is easy to set up and start using
the app.
Role: Full Stack .NET Developer
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments
Developed code in C#
Reported work status on a periodic basis
Building a project from scratch
Technologies: C#, ASP.NET Core WebAPI/MVC, Entity Framework Core, LINQ, Azure Blob Storage,
Bootstrap, jQuery
Achievements: Successfully released

Name of Project: TScan
Dates of Employment: from Feb 2020 – to Jul 2020
Job Title: Full Stack .NET Developer
Project Description: Simple Inventory Management for Small Business. TScan helps you view a
snapshot of all of your inventory. Use this intuitive and easy to use app. When you buy new inventory, you
tell the app about it. As your products get received, moved, removed from the warehouse, you mark them
as so within the app. This lets you, at any time, see an overview of your inventory and the number of items
that are available and their current locations.
Role: Full Stack .NET Developer
Responsibilities and Key Accomplishments
Developed code in C#
Reported work status on a periodic basis
Building a project from scratch
Technologies: C#, ASP.NET Core WebAPI/MVC, Entity Framework Core, LINQ, Bootstrap, jQuery
Achievements: Successfully released

Схожі кандидати

Full stack програміст, PHP-розробник

Full Stack, .Net Developer
Львів, Дистанційно

Full Stack C#/.Net Developer

Junior Full-Stack Developer (.NET/Angular)
15000 грн, Ужгород, Дистанційно

Frontend/Web-розробник, Full-stack developer (QA Manual)
12000 грн, Одеса, Дистанційно

Програміст WordPress, Full Stack WP Developer
35000 грн, Львів, Дистанційно

Усі схожі кандидати

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