• Файл


Program Coordinator, Sales manager, Business development

52 роки

Контактна інформація

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Версія для швидкого перегляду

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CV Serhii Pokhylko
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY  Middle /senior level executive experienced in B2C /B2B with an expertise in business development,
brand development, HR/event/|project management
 Fluent in English, Ukrainian and russian. MS Office expertise.
 Pro-bono psychological rehabilitation of war refugees
Serhii Pokhylko
Date of birth
Ukraine, Kiev
Place of birth
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
SUMMARY Professional experience in such industries as tobacco, telco, pharma. Experience in advertising and HR fields
OBJECTIVE Use my professional experience in reaching business and individual objectives.
PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE  Confident communicator at various company levels and across diverse cultures
 Responsible, self organized and have sufficient bizdev, marketing and customer services skills
 Presentation and negotiation skills. Efficient projects organizer and motivator
DATE  As a CEO of Priz-Ma event agency led the agency team to a successful execution of up to 50 various
events for companies and private individuals
 Successfully launched and managed a Ukrainian sales office for a Latvian brazed plate heat exchangers
company EkoAir
 Successfully managed a marcom department in Arterium pharmaceutical company in Kyiv
 Effectively managed business development function in Brain Source recruitment agency in Ukraine
Global Prime Medicare (health insurance) Customer & sales support manager Ukraine 2022-2024
Brain Source International (hr agency) Business development (sales) director Ukraine 2018-2022
EKO AIR LLC (Latvia)/EKO AIR CEO Latvia/Ukraine 2015-2017
UKRAINE (sales office)
International Labour Centre (recruitment Business development director (BDD) Ukraine 2014
Brain Source International (hr agency) Business development manager (BDM) Ukraine 2011-2014
Kyivstar (telecom) Senior brand manager (SBM) Ukraine 2010-2011
DVL Communication (advertising agency) Business development manager (BDM) Ukraine 2009-2010
All Reasons (BTL) agency Business development manager (BDM) Ukraine 2008-2009
Priz-ma (event management agency) CEO Ukraine / Russia 2006-2008
Novacia advertising (advertising agency) Head of the event management department Ukraine 2005-2006
Initia (event management agency) Business development director (BDD) Ukraine 2006
Arterium (pharmaceutical company) Head of the marcom department Ukraine 2004-2005
Valmi (autoparts importer) Head of marcom department Ukraine 2003-2004
Leo Burnett (advertising agency) Account director Ukraine 2002-2003
Golden Telecom GSM (telecom) Brand manager Ukraine 1998-2002
Philip Morris Eastern Europe (tabacco Brand executive Ukraine / Switzerland 1996-1998
Global Prime Medicare (insurance)  Customer support online 2022-2024
Customer service/sales support  Sales online
 Generated sales through personal and company leads 2018-2022
Brain Source International  Managed communication with clients to generate sales
BDD  Led active company promotion at various industry events, conferences and exhibitions

EKO AIR LLC (Latvia, Ukraine)  Fulfilled sales promo activities 2015-2017
CEO  Implemented company sales strategy
 Managed all business related activities in Ukraine from custom clearance to sales & delivery
International Labor Center (recruitment  Planned and executed daily sales activities: sales targets, cold /warm 2014-2015
abroad agency) calls, meetings, tenders
BDM  Signed 3 yearly contracts with companies in Poland and 2 companies in UAE
Open International University of Human
Development “Ukraina” Psychology. Specialist degree.
KROK University, Ukraine HR management. Diploma.
CIM (UK Chartered Institute of Marketing) Marketing. Diploma.
The Colorado College of Liberal Arts – International Politics & Economics. Bachelor degree.
University, CS, USA
Kiev State Linguistic University English & Ukrainian languages. Specialist degree.
LANGUAGES Ukrainian, Russian, English
CARRIER AWARDS Certificate of Merit for Piz-MA Ukraine event agency project "Mega-show "Kyivstar 10
years anniversary" September 2007.


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