• Файл


System Administrator

41 рік

Контактна інформація

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Summary from September, 2022
Lelyk Oleh Vasylyovych
System Administrator
Full employment.
Age:38 years
Contact Information
Address:St. 37 Berezynska, apartment 20
Phone:[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Email:[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Social networks:LinkedIn: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Job experience
System administrator
from 08.2019 to now (1 month)
PJSC "DMZ", Dnipro (Metallurgy iron and steel production, rolling production)
1. Assembly, configuration, maintenance, modernization, testing and repair of server and client computers, as well as network equipment.
2. Installing and configuring software for server and client computers, portable computers.
3. Creation and maintenance of user credentials. Work in Active Directory. User support.
4. Carrying out work to expand the network structure of the enterprise. Construction, maintenance, modernization of local computing and wireless networks.
5. Organization of diagnostics and repair of faulty office equipment. Updating the park of system computing and printing duplicating equipment, as well as network equipment.
6. Maintenance and configuration of video surveillance and access control systems.
7. Maintaining documentation (in English), contract work and procurement in the IT area. Accounting and inventory of IT equipment.
8. Installation, deployment, configuration, server network services, setting up network traffic routing, setting up network gateways, firewalls, working with disk arrays, virtualization systems.
9. Work on setting up and providing access to electronic document management systems (EDMS), systems for accounting and processing applications, corporate portals and forums.
Leading software engineer
from 06.2019 to 05.2022 (2 years 11 months)
LLC "West Petrol Market", Dnipro (Fuel products, retail trade)
1. Assembly, configuration, maintenance, modernization, testing and repair of cash and client computers, as well as network and cash equipment, cash terminals, sound equipment.
2. Installing and configuring software for cash and client computers, laptops, thin clients and terminals.
3. Creation and maintenance of user credentials. Work in Active Directory. User support.
4. Carrying out work to expand the network structure of the enterprise. Construction, maintenance, modernization of local computing and wireless networks.
5. Diagnostics of uninterruptible power supplies, organization of battery replacement in uninterruptible power devices.
6. Organization of diagnostics and repair of faulty office equipment. Updating the park of system computing and printing duplicating equipment, as well as network equipment.
7. Maintenance, refueling and repair of printing devices: printers, scanners, MFPs, cash printers and terminals.
8. Maintenance and setup of video surveillance systems.
9. Maintaining documentation, contractual work on repair work. Accounting and inventory of IT equipment.
10. Work on setting up and providing access to electronic document management systems (1C Document Management), systems for accounting and processing applications, corporate portals.
System administrator
from 02.2019 to 05.2019 (3 ​​months)
PE "Apriorit", Dnipro (Information technology, development and creation of software products)
Computer systems engineer
from 02.2018 to 02.2019 (1 date)
Holding company “ATMA-GROUP”, Dnipro (Wholesale and retail trade in grain crops, import and maintenance of premium cars, restaurant business)
Senior Computer Systems Engineer
from 04.2012 to 12.2017 (5 years 8 months)
LLC "Metinvest Engineering", Dnipro (Design, engineering)
Electronics engineer
from 06.2011 to 04.2012 (10 months)
State Institution "Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Dnipro (Education, medicine)
Electronics engineer
from 08.2007 to 12.2009 (2 years 4 months)
DF JSC "Ukrtelecom" (Internet), Dnipro (Communication)
Dnepropetrovsk National University Olesya Gonchara
“Radiophysics and Electronics” (Specialist Diploma with honors), Dnepropetrovsk
High education, from 2002 to 2007 (4 years 8 months)
Additional education
• Dnepropetrovsk National University. Center for Postgraduate Education. Courses "Network computer technologies" (3 months)
• Academy "STEP". Courses "1C Document Management" (2013, 40 hours)
• Academy "STEP". SQL Server Courses. (2013, 40 hours)
• Academy "STEP". Information security courses "Testing for hacking and penetration." (2014, 40 hours)
Professional and other skills
• Computer skills: Windows, Windows Server, Mac OS, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Server, Fedora, Debian, MS Active Directory, MS Exchange Server, PowerShell, CMD, MS Systems Center Configuration Manager, WDS, WSUS, MS SQL Server, Zabbix, Nagios, PostgreSQL, Virtual Box, VMware, Hyper-V Manager, VirtIO, Proxmox, KVM, QEMU, 1C Enterprise, MEDoc, Client Bank, MS Office, MS Project, MS Visio, MS Lync, Atlasian Stack, Docker Hub, AutoCAD, Mathcad, My Kyivstar (Mobile Communications coordinator), Open VPN, Cisco VPN Client, Papercut Print Logger, MS Forefront Endpoint Protection, Victoria, Mhdd, Memtest, Sysinternals PS Tools.
Language knowledge
English ─ intermediate

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