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Контактна інформація

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Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Khrystyna Phone: O97 713 00 12
Email: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Borys LinkedIn: Khrystyna Borys
QA Engineer Telegram: O97 713 00 12
Lviv, Ukraine

Diligent and enthusiastic Quality Assurance Engineer with one year of professional experience in
ensuring the delivery of high-quality software products. Proficient in testing methodologies, test case
creation, and defect tracking, with a strong commitment to improving software reliability and user
experience. Adept at collaborating with cross-functional teams to identify and address defects,
streamline processes, and enhance overall product quality. Eager to contribute technical expertise and
a keen eye for detail to drive excellence in software development.

● Manual QA, Black/Grey/White box testing, Web/Desktop/Mobile testing (Android and IOS)
● Performance, Security testing, Regression, Sanity
● Test design techniques
● Test documentation: Test plan, Test cases, Checklists, Bug reports
● Knowledge of SDLC, Waterfall
● Agile concepts knowledge (Scrum, Kanban)
● SQL (MySQL, SQLite)
● Tools: JIRA, TestRail, Git/GitHub, Postman, Webstorm, Playwright (basic skills), YouTrack,
Cypress (basic skills)
● Web understanding (Client-Server Architecture, HTML/CSS, XML, JSON)
● JavaScript basic knowledge
● OS: Windows, Linux/Mac OS
● English: advanced

Sep 2022 - present, Lionwood.software, Lviv
Manual QA Engineer on HIT (a company product)

● Collaborate with software development and product teams to understand project requirements,
user stories, and acceptance criteria.
● Design, develop, and execute test cases, and test scripts to verify software functionality,
performance, and security.
● Use Postman to create and execute API tests, ensuring the reliability and accuracy of API
● Collaborate with developers and product owners to define and use Swagger documentation.
● Conduct exploratory testing to uncover hidden defects, usability issues, and potential areas for
● Utilize WebStorm to test locally, identify defects, and provide constructive feedback to
● Effectively track and manage software defects using YouTrack, maintaining accurate records of
reported issues and their resolutions.
● Participate in daily stand-up meetings, sprint planning, grooming and retrospective sessions to
provide valuable insights and contribute to continuous process improvement.
● Proactively identify opportunities to automate testing processes, resulting in increased efficiency
and reduced testing cycle times.
● Collaborate with QA team members to conduct cross-functional testing, ensuring seamless
integration and compatibility across different software components.
● Contribute to the enhancement of the team's testing methodologies and best practices,
promoting a culture of quality throughout the development lifecycle.
● Ensured the quality of iOS and Android mobile applications, contributing to the enhancement of
user experience and overall product satisfaction.

Jun 2022- August 2022, Mate Academy, Kyiv (full-day, internship)
Pet Store (commercial project, web)
Conduit (commercial project, web)
Joyn.de (commercial project, web/mobile)
● site decomposition
● test plan creating
● test cases creating
● execution test cases in TestRail
● smoke testing
● sanity testing
● regression testing
● reporting bugs into JIRA
● developing test cases using test design techniques and RTM
● writing backend tests in Postman

2013 - 2021 English tutor, self-employed
● developing curriculum planning
● developing individual learning programmes
● exploring new books for teaching and learning English
● dividing students into groups according to their language level
● monitoring students progress


Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Bachelor/Master Degree in Classical Philology
Lviv, 2008 - 2013

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