Резюме від 25 березня 2024 Файл



21 рік

Контактна інформація

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Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Android Software Engineer

Yaroslav Nykolyshyn
Android Software Engineer
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Ukraine, Lviv linkedin.yaroslav-nykolyshyn

My name is Yaroslav Nykolyshyn, and I am an Android Developer with experience as
a Trainee Android Developer at SoftServe.

During my experience, I gained significant experience in developing mobile
applications for the Android platform using the Kotlin language. Working on projects
at Soft Serve gave me the opportunity to deepen my knowledge and acquire skills in
creating modern and effective applications.

I am confident in my ability to develop high-quality software while following
programming best practices and principles. My strong desire to achieve excellent
results and the ability to work in a team make me a valuable employee.
As an Android Developer, I am ready to contribute to your company and bring new
ideas and solutions to contribute to the success of projects. I assure you that I am
hardworking, self-disciplined and always ready for professional development.

I mastered Kotlin, Java Core, Jetpack Compose, Clean Architecture and SOLID.
Have working wtih android UI in android studio, have average knowledge of Java,
MySQL language and similar, working with layout language XML.

Programming Languages/Technologies

Jetpack Compose
Clean Architecture
Design Patterns
Retrofit/Room (basic)
Android Software Engineer

Development Tools RDBMS
Android Studio MySQL
Room (basic)
Network technologies Testing Tools
Hardware over clocking Postman
Different technological device
Agile, Scrum

Operating Systems
Microsoft Windows

Role: Trainee Android Developer
Company: SoftServe
Location: Lviv/Ukraine (remote)
Team: 10 people
Main Responsibility:
Development of mobile applications for the Android platform using the Kotlin language
Accepting participation in the application development project
Interaction with employees of the development team and active participation in joint
code reviews.
Ensuring code quality and following programming best practices.
Skills: Kotlin/Java, SOLID, RestApi, Clean Architecture, Design Patterns, Git.
Work Period: 03.2023 - 06.2023

Role: Android Developer
Company: Digital MindsUA (volunteer project)
Location: Lviv/Ukraine (remote)
Team: 14 people
Main Responsibility:
Development of mobile applications for the Android platform using the Kotlin language
Work on the development of the project idea
Communication with various project development modules
Skills: Kotlin/Java,Jetpack Compose, Firabase, Google Auth, Clean Architecture, Hilt, Git.

Role: Student Java Developer
Company: Logos IT Academy
Location: Lviv/Ukraine
Team: 12 people
Android Software Engineer

Main Responsibility:
Syntax Study: Understanding the basic elements of the Java programming language
Practical application of learned concepts for writing programs using the Java language
Getting to know the standard Java API and using ready-made libraries to solve various
tasks, for example, working with strings, collections, files, etc.
Skills: Java, MySQL, RestApi, Postman, Sprin, Hibarnate.

Role: Android Developer
Pet Project: Game Quiz
Location: Lviv/Ukraine (remote)
Team: 2 people
Main Responsibility:
Development of mobile applications for the Android platform using the Java language
Accepting participation in the application development project
Ensuring code quality and following programming best practices.
Skills: Java, XML, Different Layouts, SOLID, Clean Architecture, Design Patterns, Git.

Role: Android Developer
Pet Project: Weather Forecast
Location: Lviv/Ukraine
Team: 1 people
Main Responsibility:
Development of mobile applications for the Android platform using the Kotlin language
Accepting participation in the application development project
Ensuring code quality and following programming best practices.
Skills: Kotlin, XML, Different Layouts, RestApi, SOLID, Clean Architecture, Design
Patterns, Git.

Ivan Franko National University
Faculty of Physic
Computer Technology and nanomaterial

English - Intermediate
Ukrainian - Native.

Схожі кандидати

Android developer
150000 грн, Львів


Android Developer
Львів, Тернопіль

Android Engineer
Львів, Дистанційно

Львів, Київ , ще 2 міста


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