Резюме від 5 квітня 2024 PRO


Фахівець з розвитку

37 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Shelter and Settlement Officer for Danish Refugee Council

з 12.2023 по нині (6 місяців)
Danish Refugee Council, Львов (Неприбыльные, благотворительные и общественные организации)

Participation in the development and implementation of projects "Cash for Utilities" and "Cash for Fuel," aimed at supporting internally displaced persons (IDPs) and individuals affected by conflict in Ukraine to stabilize their lives.
Development of rapid response tactics, including the identification of conflict-affected individuals, facilitation of their registration, and meticulous management of the distribution of financial assistance allocated for covering utility and fuel expenses.
Close collaboration with local authorities and local NGOs to implement the project.
Joint field visits for beneficiary registration with Protection/Legal teams to enhance project execution efficiency.
Successful implementation of the Cash for Rent 2.0 project with high efficiency rates in covering six months' worth of rental housing expenses in Lviv, Stryi, and Drohobych districts of Lviv region.
Processed referrals from Protection/Legal teams, as well as from international NGOs and national NGOs.
Prepared monthly reports for the Monitoring and Evaluation Team (IPT).Also contributed to compiling the final report and Lessons Learned for program donors.

MPCA/NFI Officer for Danish Refugee Council

з 08.2022 по 12.2023 (1 рік 4 місяці)
Danish Refugee Council, Львов (Неприбыльные, благотворительные и общественные организации)

Led a team of seven skilled professionals, assuming the responsibilities of Team Leader during the absence of the manager, overseeing the implementation of Multipurpose Cash Assistance and Non-Food Item (NFI) distribution strategies.
Ensured the streamlined allocation of resources to effectively address housing requirements Western Ukraine.
Demonstrated adeptness in humanitarian response, particularly focused on housing rehabilitation during critical situations.
Contributed to the development of rapid response tactics, identifying individuals affected by crises, facilitating their registration, and meticulously managing the allocation of financial aid dedicated to housing recovery.
Engaged in constructive dialogues and negotiations with governmental bodies, international humanitarian organizations, and local civic groups.This collaborative effort aimed to effectively coordinate the distribution of vital humanitarian aid, supporting those in need.
Showcased proficiency in coordinating the transportation and distribution of humanitarian supplies, guaranteeing their prompt and efficient delivery to beneficiaries.
Played a pivotal role in executing the DRC emergency program, overseeing the distribution of multipurpose cash aid, rent assistance, and распределение non-food items.
Actively participated in identifying suitable recipients for multipurpose cash and rent grants.
Efficiently managed grant disbursement processes, from documentation to assistance provision for applicants, ensuring a smooth journey from submission to fund allocation.
Continuously monitored the progress of beneficiaries who received grant support, providing necessary guidance and support.
Monitored project activities, ensuring high quality standards, and offering timely technical support and solutions when challenges arose.
Generated comprehensive weekly and monthly reports to provide management with insights into project progress, outcomes, and challenges.
Collaborated seamlessly with internal and external technical experts to address sector-specific challenges and enhance integration with other sectors within DRC.
Represented DRC in relevant technical coordination meetings, fostering robust collaboration and knowledge exchange.Developed meticulous project plans, budgets, and tools for financing, implementation, and reporting purposes.
Actively participated in the preparation of detailed reports and budgets for donors on a regular basis.Initiated and oversaw data monitoring and evaluation processes, ensuring effective data collection and analysis to inform evidence-based decision-making.
Maintained strict adherence to financial commitments, closely monitoring expenditures within allocated budgets.
Efficiently managed procurement processes, coordinating logistical aspects for personnel and materials across various operational regions.

Economic Recovery Officer for Danish Refugee Council

з 04.2022 по 08.2022 (4 місяці)
Danish Refugee Council, Львов (Неприбыльные, благотворительные и общественные организации)

DRC Emergency Programme 2022
Participated in the development and implementation of the DRC Emergency Programme for 2022, specifically focusing on the distribution of Multipurpose Cash Assistance for individuals affected by conflict.
Engaged in formulating program response criteria.
Took part in identifying program beneficiaries based on program criteria;
Supported information dissemination and outreach activities to ensure active participation of beneficiaries in the program;
Collaborated with UN agencies, international NGOs, and national NGOs as necessary;
Liaised with local authorities as required.
Maintained a filing system for Multipurpose Cash Assistance support activities and ensured that supporting documentation was in order;
Regularly monitored funded beneficiaries and provided them with continuous support, including responding to calls and managing inquiries through the hotline.
Processed referrals from Protection teams, as well as from international NGOs and national NGOs.
Prepared monthly reports for the Monitoring and Evaluation Team (IPT).
Also contributed to compiling the final report and Lessons Learned for program donors.

Livelihoods Assistant for Danish Refugee Council

з 12.2018 по 04.2022 (3 роки 4 місяці)
Danish Refugee Council, Мариуполь (Неприбыльные, благотворительные и общественные организации)

DAI project
Implement the USAID-funded 2018-2023 Economic Resilience Activity program:
Participate in the grants identification process, selection of business ideas, and assessment of program beneficiaries.
Selection of potential program participants.
Assistance in compiling applications for participation in grant programs.
Comprehensive support and facilitation of the entire process of obtaining necessary permits and compliance with regulatory requirements according to Ukrainian legislation.This included assistance in business registration, obtaining necessary permits to start operations, ensuring compliance with quality control standards, and supervision of the implementation of regulatory framework in various sectors. Specifically, in the food industry, our assistance extended to the implementation of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system.
Field visits to grantees, compiling the necessary data in line with program requirements;
Regular monitoring of the funded businesses and provide ongoing support to the ERA programme beneficiaries;
Assistance in preparing training courses, participation in identification process, selection and assessment of the program beneficiaries;
Registration of participants and filling out questionnaires in Info events and progect activities;
Processing and preparation of documentation after Info events and other activities;

Business Monitor for Danish Refugee Council

з 08.2016 по 12.2018 (2 роки 4 місяці)
Danish Refugee Council, Мариуполь (Неприбыльные, благотворительные и общественные организации)

Supported implementation of DRC's emergency Livelihoods programme that provided assistance to IDPs and conflict affected population;
Implemented income generation activities, including selection and training of the beneficiaries;
Disbursement, monitoring and follow-up of the business grants;
Feasibility assessments of the proposed business ideas and evaluation of the economic impact of the funded initiatives.
Implementation of the Economic Development Program for Eastern UkraineThe Danish Refugee Council, with financial support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, initiated a project aimed at supporting internally displaced persons (IDPs) and individuals affected by the conflict in Ukraine to stabilize their lives and achieve long-term solutions through employment, self-employment, income generation, vocational education opportunities, strengthening institutional capacity, and legislative changes in Ukraine. The project, which was geographically focused on the controlled territories of Luhansk and Donetsk regions, Zaporizhzhia, and Dnipropetrovsk regions of Ukraine, included the following components:
BUSINESS GRANT PROGRAM was implemented to initiate new businesses or restore/expand existing ones.600 business grants ranging from $300 to $1000 USD were provided to IDPs and individuals affected by the conflict in Ukraine for the initiation of new businesses or the restoration/expansion of existing ones.
JOB CREATION PROGRAM for internally displaced persons and individuals affected by the conflict in Ukraine.At least 250 new jobs were created for IDPs and individuals affected by the conflict in Ukraine. Business grants ranging from $2000 to $10,000 USD were provided for business expansion and job creation.
ENHANCING COMPETITIVENESS PROGRAM for internally displaced persons and individuals affected by the conflict in Ukraine IN THE LABOR MARKET.This component supported at least 500 IDPs and individuals affected by the conflict in Ukraine by providing individual grants of up to $200 USD for acquiring new skills and improving existing ones through relevant vocational education courses.
SUPPORT PROGRAM FOR REGIONAL EMPLOYMENT CENTERS OF DONETSK AND LUHANSK REGIONS.This component involved material-technical and informational-consultative support to regional employment centers in eastern Ukraine and, consequently, assistance to IDPs and individuals affected by the conflict in Ukraine in acquiring professional skills relevant to existing labor markets and subsequent employment.Program Participants: Regional employment centers of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, IDPs from areas with unstable political and military situations, who were registered and residing in the territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Dnipropetrovsk regions, as well as residents of Donetsk and Luhansk regions affected by the conflict in Ukraine.

Technical Assistant for Danish Refugee Council

з 08.2015 по 08.2016 (1 рік)
Danish Refugee Council, Мариуполь (Неприбыльные, благотворительные и общественные организации)

Responsible for daily transportation, route composition and on target delivery of Programme staff;
Ensured Programme fleet is well maintained, sufficiently supplied and equipped;
Ensured implementation of safe and effective work practices and methods in field trips;
Closed fuel consumption files in compliance with company guidelines and work instructions;
Assisted Programme staff in routine and emergency operations as required.

Head of Security & Legal Counsel

з 04.2013 по 09.2014 (1 рік 5 місяців)
Zachita Ltd., Донецк (Охрана, безопасность)

Providing legal advice on various aspects of business.
Drafting and revising contracts, terms of use, privacy policies and other legal documents;
Communicating with partners, banks, law firms, service providers from a variety of Jurisdictions.
Incidents management;
Guard management and instructing;
Automatic ACS and video surveillance systems implementation and it's support;
Anti-fire offices protection in compliance with Statutory Regulations;
Operative measures in emergency situations coordination;
Information security measures development;

Head of committee for Family and Youth Affairs, sports.

з 06.2010 по 06.2011 (1 рік)
Budyonnovsky district of Donetsk., Донецк (Государственные организации)

Interaction with the city council, public organizations and residents of the city;
Citizen reception, work with vulnerable populations, and issuance of certificates for large families.
Preparing and carrying out of public events;Interaction with editors of TV, press, online editions to media coverage of the events;
Anti crisis communication and negotiation, resolution of municipalities conflict;

Legal counsel

з 07.2009 по 06.2010 (11 місяців)
Zachita Ltd., Донецк (Охрана, безопасность)

Providing legal counsels, advice and guidance relating to the company’s to ensure maximum protection of the company’s legal rights, mitigation of legal risks and continued legal compliance.
Negotiate and draft contracts and corporate documents that promote the company’s business objectives and mitigate risks.


Donetsk National University

Faculty of Economics and Law, Донецк
Вища, з 2004 по 2009 (5 років)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Computer academy Step


Знання і навички

Неконфликтность Team management Leadership Project management

Знання мов

  • Українська — вільно
  • Російська — вільно
  • Англійська — середній

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