Резюме від 22 травня 2024 Файл

Особисті дані приховані

Цей шукач вирішив приховати свої особисті дані та контакти, але йому можна надіслати повідомлення або запропонувати вакансію.

Цей шукач вирішив приховати свої особисті дані та контакти. Ви можете зв'язатися з ним зі сторінки https://www.work.ua/resumes/10706022

Full stack програміст


Контактна інформація

Шукач приховав свої особисті дані, але ви зможете надіслати йому повідомлення або запропонувати вакансію, якщо відкриєте контакти.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Vladimir Dolzhykov
Full-stack web developer

I have been developing for 5 years. I have different experience, worked in
companies, worked directly with customers. There are projects that I
wrote and managed alone.

[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Main stack is Laravel + Vue.js, I've been developing on this stack for 4
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») years. I also worked on Angular and React.
I've had to do all sorts of work. REST API integration (payment systems,
SKILLS google api, other integrations), developing database architectures,
creating different layout, installing projects on server (SSL, domain
Backend binding, setting up environment). Development of smart contracts in
solidity (ethereum), rust (concordium), cadence (onflow).
Node.js I have experience in training programmers, including beginners. My
girlfriend and my classmate are bright examples of success of my training
from scratch. In addition, I helped them find their first project to work on.
JS I helped my girlfriend and classmate find their first action project where
they could gain experience in development and achieve their first
React successes. They are juniors now and already have all sorts of development
jQuery experience. They are actively looking for a permanent job.

System administration
I'm also now trying to incorporate chat gpt into my workflows as much as
Linux possible to improve my efficiency. In creating this resume, chat gave me
MySQL/MongoDB some tips :)

KEEL | Full-stack developer / Blockchain
October 2020 - May 2023
Stack: Laravel, Node.js + Vue.js / Solidity + Rust + Cadence
Link: https://beatoken.com
Perhaps my favorite, longest and most interesting place of work. Here I was
Blockchain involved in various projects and for the first time touched the development of
smart contracts.
Rust Beatoken - The main project I worked on. It is a platform that allows musicians
Cadence to create their own musical NFTs, share them, list them for sale, and more. First,
smart contracts were written in the Cadence language on the Flow network.
Cms This network was the first release. After that, the project was completely
rewritten to interact with the Concordium network. Here I also developed
Wordpress heavily on Node.js and MongoDB. In the end, I was on technical support for
Joomla some time.

Project: Stathero | Full-stack developer / PM
LANGUAGES December 2021 - May 2022
Russian Stack: Wordpress + jQuery
Native language Link: https://stathero.com/

Ukrainian The project on which it was necessary to make changes, add functionality. I
Fluency in language took on the project to a greater extent to give combat development
experience for my girlfriend and my friend. I made up tasks, showed how the
English workflow was going on, and if the tasks were too complicated for the guys, I
Initial level (I can't talk yet) did them with an explanation of the process
INTERESTS Project: Xgame.sale | Chief developer
July 2020 - November 2020
Chess Stack: Laravel + jQuery
I studied chess in college for 2
years. Participated in tournaments Project developed from start to nish by me, turnkey. All communication was
directly with the customer.
Boxing This is a landing page with a personal account and a payment system. I also
From 4.5 to 17 he was engaged in made a Telegram bot for this customer.
boxing. He performed at all-
Ukrainian competitions. I ended EMBROX | Full-stack developer
my career because I started March 2019 ‐ June 2020
working as a programmer :)
Stack: Laravel + Vue.js / Angular / React | Wordpress
I love reading books. This is mainly Projects on which he worked in the company:
imaginative literature
britescanext.wpengine.com - Developed a CMS system for this project.
Soldering electronics
embrox.com - Was involved in layout and expanded the project's functionality
Since childhood, he was fond of
soldering various circuits. Recently,
kissmywheels.ch - A project in which I added a lot of functionality, integrated a
I have been interested in Arduino
payment system. The project was with me on constant support, it was led only
projects, I am going to develop
by me.
further towards Raspberry Pi
I also did internal projects of the company that are not available for general
ASTRONOMIC | Full-stack developer
VSP NAU SKNAU 2014 ‐ 2017
September 2018 - March 2019
CMI - control measuring
instruments Stack: Laravel + Vue.js

DITM 2020 ‐ 2022 builtforlife.com - A project that was created to facilitate the work of a
nutritionist. Here is a lot of functionality related to calorie counting, diet plan,
Software engineering
integration with the service where recipes are stored. There is integration with
API Stripe, Intercom.

The rest of the projects that I worked on at ASTRONOMIC are no longer working

Ignet Web Solutions | Full-stack developer
May 2017 - August 2018
- WordPress development. Plugins, stretch themes.
- SPA applications.
- HTML & CSS development.

Інші резюме цього кандидата

Схожі кандидати

Програміст WordPress, Full Stack WP Developer
24000 грн, Львів, Дистанційно

Full stack Python/React developer

Python, JS Full Stack Developer
Львів, Київ, Одеса

Full stack програміст

Full stack програміст

Full Stack, .NET Developer
Львів, Дистанційно

Усі схожі кандидати

Кандидати у категорії

Кандидати за містами

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