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Front-end програміст

23 роки

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Roman Chaban
Junior Front-End Developer
Personal Qualities
As a seasoned Front-End developer, I specialize in crafting
Contacts captivating and dynamic user interfaces. My expertise spans a
range of technologies, including Next.js, React, Redux,
Location: Lviv, Ukraine
TypeScript, and JavaScript, empowering me to develop
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») resilient and scalable applications. I am committed to
LinkedIn Profile upholding code cleanliness and maintainability as core
GitHub Profile principles in all my projects. Proficient in HTML5 and CSS3, I
utilize Sass to streamline styling while adhering rigorously to
the BEM methodology, ensuring a meticulously structured and
organized codebase.
Communication Projects Experience
Creativity iMarketplace
Attention to Detail Explore the world of Apple products at our online store.
Discover a curated selection of cutting-edge devices, from
Skills iPhones and iPads and accessories. Shop with confidence for
Programming Languages: technology, sleek designs, and unmatched performance.
JavaScript(ES6+), TypeScript Elevate your digital experience with Apple's iconic products,
Frameworks & Libraries: renowned for their quality, style, and seamless integration.
Next.js, React.js, Redux.js, Redux Saga, Welcome to the ultimate destination for all your Apple needs.
Redux Toolkit.js, React Router, Axios, Project Demo: iMarketplace
Styled-Components, Grommet, MUI
Web Technologies: Clothings-Store
HTML5, CSS3, SASS(SCSS) Clothings-Store - your ultimate destination for all things
Version Control Systems: GIT related to fashionable footwear! We are true enthusiasts in the
PSD to HTML: Figma world of sneakers, where each pair reflects the latest fashion
Core technologies: trends and technologies.

REST API, Browser API Project Demo: Clotings-Store
Package Managers: npm, Yarn
Packer: Webpack Tic-Tac-Toe
Basics: The "Tic-Tac-Toe" project is a classic game familiar to many
ESLint, VSCode, Chrome DevTools, since childhood, implemented in a web environment,
React DevTools, Redux DevTools specifically focusing on the frontend part.
Project Demo: Tic-Tac-Toe
Additional Education
CodeWars: Education
Completed 270 tasks 4(kyu) Junior Specialist Bachelor
Lviv National University of Nature Lviv National University of Nature
Language Management Management
ENGLISH - Intermediate 2016-2020 2020-2022

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