Резюме від 25 травня 2023 PRO


Customer Success Manager, Teacher of English

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
30 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон, ел. пошту та LinkedIn.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

English Teacher at UAL

з 02.2023 по нині (1 рік 4 місяці)
Ukrainian Academy of Leadership, Львів (Освіта, наука)

Teaching English to students through the discussion of social, political, cultural and economic issues over the globe and in Ukraine.

Developing the soft skills through the group-work and discussions.

Supervisor Assistant

з 01.2019 по нині (5 років 5 місяців)
Data Expert, Львів (IT)

•The supervision of the activities within the team to ensure the highest quality of the employees’ performance
•Training new employees on the company standards and procedures, how to handle a negative customer experience and to properly interact with clients Developing team members’ performance, offering feedback
•Developing team strengths and improving weaknesses
•Administering quizzes and tests to ensure employees have a firm understanding of the company policy

Customer Success Manager

з 01.2019 по нині (5 років 5 місяців)
Data Expert, Львів (IT)

•Work with Customers to ensure they receive the tools and support needed; building deep relationships with customers by handholding them throughout the user process
•Providing excellent proactive service for the Customers in growing and changing environment
•Collaboration with the internal services team to determine best solutions for the clients’ needs

Assistance Client Support Manager

з 09.2015 по 12.2018 (3 роки 3 місяці)
SK Group LTD, Львів (IT)

•Answering general and specific questions over the phone or chat about the services offered
•Work with business correspondence
•Strategical and tactical work with Customers in order to meet short-term milestones and long-term objectives in cooperation
•Work on a marketing campaign to promote the company product
•Providing assistance in using the company product

English teacher

з 09.2015 по 10.2017 (2 роки 1 місяць)
UDUMK of Halytskiy District, Львів (Освіта, наука)

•Teaching English language to preschoolers and pupils of school age
•Work with children in summer camps

Sales manager

з 06.2014 по 11.2014 (5 місяців)
Smart Support, Львів (IT)

•Answering general and specific questions about the services offered
•Providing assistance in buying and using the company product


Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

‘Language and Literature’, Department of Foreign Languages., Львів
Вища, з 2015 по 2027 (12 років)

Master's, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv:

September 2015 — September 2017
Program Subject Area ‘Language and Literature’, Department of Foreign Languages.

Bachelor, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv:

September 2011 — June 2015
Bachelor of Philology, teacher of English and Spanish languages and World Literature. Graduated with honors.

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Assertive Communication

2 months

Public Speech Training

1 day

Human Resource Management, University of Minnesota

*in process

Знання і навички

Teamwork Good time management skills Strong understanding of business goals and standards for custome Eligible to think under pressure

Знання мов

  • Англійська — вільно
  • Іспанська — середній
  • Українська — вільно

Додаткова інформація


highly interested in psychology of communication; avid reader, yoga-practicer and zumba-dancer,
Make-up artist;

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