Резюме від 8 квітня 2016


Менеджер тренинговых и образовательных проектов

Повна зайнятість.
42 роки
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Київ, Одеса

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Додаткова інформація

Seeking to be an effective catalyst in motivating students through professional Counselling, value added initiatives, industry orientation and dedication to positively contribute to the overall organizational growth in a growth oriented university of repute…

Self-disciplined Education Manager with 10 years of blended experience in academics and industry with exceptional strategic thinking, motivational capabilities and excellent ability to effectively develop a rapport of institution and marketing its offerings while working in Middle Management of Skyline University as Business Development Manager and Head of CPD (Center for Professional Development Department).


Pursuing Ph.D. in Management from Sainath University 2015.
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Tourism from University of Lucknow in the year 2005.
Bachelor of Arts (B.A) from university of Lucknow in the year 2003.
Diploma in International Airline Reservation & Ticketing IATA with SABRE (CRS) from TRADEWINGS INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT Lucknow – 2005
CIC (Certificate in Computing) from IGNOU, Lucknow. Certificate in Tourism Studies from IGNOU, Lucknow.
Attitudinal Training on Capacity Building for Service Providers 2005 Organized by Government of India, Department of Tourism, FCI.
Scored 7. 5 in IELTS valid till 2016.

Academic Experience

Skyline University College, Sharjah, UAE.
Head of Department
Mar-2012- Sep 2015

Heading the Centre for Professional Development Department for professional courses in Travel, Tourism, Airport, Airlines, Cargo, DGR Accounting and other Management Trainings.
Overall supervision of marketing team and appointed trainers for smooth operation of department with
Planning and closing of Calendar of scheduled courses and marketing activities.
Supporting marketing visits to schools and various education fairs.
Liaison with School principals to conduct presentations to students.
Actively, Plan and supervise the Enrollment & Registration activities to ensure achieving the targets.
Supporting all Admission requirements for the department.
Monitor the Name submission deadlines and ensure smooth submissions.
Continuously plan and strategize approvals of professional courses.

To teach theoretical concepts while disseminating practical knowledge through classroom studies, interactive workshops, industry linked assignments and classroom activities.

Communication & Relationship Building

Liaise with IATA for regularly obtain the approval of the IATA ATC model and other concerning courses and examination sessions by remaining the Primary point of contact of the University with IATA Montreal as an ATC for all the IATA accredited Training Programs in day-to-day operations (Travel & Tourism, Cargo, DGR, and Aviation).
Liaise regularly to obtain the DGR training certification approval for UN staff categories 6, 8, 9 with the GCAA annually.
Liaise with local tourism authorities for the commencement of several projects and trainings like Ajman Tour guide Training, RAK Tourism Trainings etc.

Administrative Responsibilities:

To monitor the physical preparations of a course and it’s conduct.
To monitor the pre-course preparations of part-time Instructors.
To liaise with the Administration & Examination department concerning all courses.
Prepares, updates, maintains annually training calendars, budget, schedules, Instructor assignments, lesson plans, day programs, and audio-visual aids, marketing flyers, etc.
To liaise with the professors concerning the conduct of certain professional courses.

Saraswati Institute of Business Management & Research, Lucknow
Assistant Professor –Management- Apr 2010- Mar 2012

Worked as Faculty for MBA and PGDM students in college for Tourism Marketing subjects and motivating them to become successful by adding soft skill training in the lecture and assisting them to get placed in the industry.

Subjects Taught: International Tourism Management, Air Cargo Management & Travel Agency& Tour Operation Management, CRS.

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