Резюме від 24 жовтня 2016


Руководитель, 20 000 грн

Повна зайнятість.
39 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Інші країни

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Додаткова інформація

Pecherychenko Bogdan

Ukraine, Kalush phone. Mob. [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Str. Chornovola 7, apt .5

The goal: to get a stable job and realize skills and acquired knowledge.

Personal data: Ukrainian, born in 1984, married, have two chield

Education: 2001- 2006. "Cherkasy State Technological University" faculty "Industrial and civil construction", received a diploma in the specialty "Ecology and Environment" and qualification ecologist.
2008-2014. Studied and graduated "Maslivskyy Agricultural Engineering College, named after P.Harkavy Belotserkovsky national agrarian university ", specialty" Organization and technology of farming "and the qualification of specialist technology and farming.

Work experience: 2014-2016. Farm manager of LTD "Danosha" (Pig production)
Job responsibilities:
-Manage process of production, participation in the development of treatment regimens, also development animal feeding system and care for them, work with the personnel.
2011-2013. Director of “agricultural enterprise " Valyava ", Cherkassy district.
Job responsibilities:
Technological development, financial management (budget calculation, production planning, strategy of development in pig production technologies, foreign economic activities (development and signing of contracts)
2010-2011. Ltd. "Breeding farm “ Zolotonisskiy”, Zolotonosha, Cherkassy district.
Job responsibilities:
- Technology development in pig production, within the enterprise, providing farrowing help, treatment of animals, feeding, insemination

2008-2010. Work abroad (Denmark), the practice connected with getting the second (agricultural) education
Job responsibilities:
Providing farrowing help, registration and accounting of newborn piglets, treatment, feeding, insemination, washing the stables with high pressure cleaner.
2007 - 2008rr. Supervisor of Sales department of dairy products
- Expansion of the client base, calculation of sales plans, the development of active sales strategy, working with staff, work with suppliers, sign contracts with wholesale and retail customers, control of residues in a warehouse of inventory.

2005-2007. Sales manager for the sale of household chemicals, "Obriy Cherkassy."
Job responsibilities:
- Active sales, expansion of customer base, customer payments, monitoring accounts receivable, sign contracts with retail and wholesale customers.
Additional Information:
I speak Ukrainian, English, Russian language
I have a driver's license, category «B»
Passed courses on professional management in Poland, I have a certificate «Axzon Agriculture and Management Academy». In addition, I have a certificate of successful completion "School of Sales Managers" from the Interregional-staffing agency. While in the position of a sales manager and sales department supervisor, repeatedly held various training courses in the field of "Neuro-linguistic programming."
Personal qualities:
I am able to learn quickly, result oriented, sociable, balanced.
My expectations:
I want to find a job that fits my professional skills and qualifications aimed at successful cooperation, long-term collaboration that will bring pleasure from the result. Having the positive experience in active sales, I am also ready to work in this area.

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