Резюме від 21 липня 2010


ASP.Net Developer

Повна зайнятість.

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

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Додаткова інформація

Nazar Zvarych
Database Developer
ASP.NET Junior Developer
Contact Information:

E-Mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Cell phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Summary of Experience
I have worked with database since 2007. I have knowledge in development and administration of MS SQL Server 2005, MS Access Databases and Firebird 2.0.
Also I have experience in such programming technologies as ASP .NET.
My main tasks on my current project are database development, support existing environment, build database maintenance tasks, gathering information, making Web Services, configure MS SQL Agent, making desktop application, data mining and performance tuning.
I also have finished Microsoft IT Academy Course 2543 (Core Web Application Technologies with Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005) and SoftServe IT Academy (Database Developer). I am interested in developing professional web-applications using ASP .NET.

I’m sociable, responsible, and disciplined. I possess quick learning ability and try to keep up with new technologies.
Computer Skills

Programming languages / RDBMS tools

•MS SQL 2000/2005 (3 years of experience)
- Coding
- Performance Tuning
- Configuring
- Installing
- Administrating
- Monitoring
•MS Access. (2 years of experience)
•Firebird 2.0(0,5 years of experience)
•ASP .NET(3 years of experience)
•HTML(0,5 years of experience)
•Microsoft Visual Studio.NET ( C# ) (3 years of experience)
•Java(1 years of experience)
•Microsoft Visual C++ (1 years of experience)
•Turbo Pascal(1 years of experience)
•Assembler(0,5 years of experience)
Operating Systems
•Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/2003/XP

Other Software
•Microsoft Office (Excel; Access; Word; Outlook; PowerPoint; Visio)
•ABBYY Products (Fotoshop; Lingvo; FineRider)
•Corel Draw
•Parking System
Development, support and administration of a Parking system’s Database. It is a big database containing all necessary functionality including description of all tariffs, promotions, parkings, tariffs orders, clients, zones, events, cars, cards. Web services, clients application, SQL Server Agent.
Role: DB developer / administrator
Responsibility: Database maintenance, planning, adding some new functionality in T/SQL stored procedures, functions, profiling DB activity, working at queries optimization.
Environment: MS SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition.
Technologies: MS SQL Server 2005, RedGate Products (SQL Compare, SQL Data Compare), TestTrack, GIS Tools (Converting/Analysing/Uploading GIS data in Databases).
Client: Softserve IT Academy.

•University Group Web Site
Role: Web-developer.
Responsibility: Scripts developing, performance, business logic, database connectivity, design features
Environment: Microsoft Visual Studio.NET ( C# )
Technologies: ASP .NET.
Client: LNU of Ivan Franko

Faculty of Applied Mathematics And Informatics
Master's degreeIvan Franko National University
Lviv, Ukraine

•Ukrainian – native;
•English – pre-intermediate;
•French – elementary;
•Russian – fluent.
Additional areas of experience/Interests
Fishing, travelling, reading, active student life, etc.

Схожі кандидати

ASP.NET MVC Developer
25000 грн, Львів, Дистанційно


Львів, Дистанційно

C# (.Net/ASP.Net) Developer
Львів, Вінниця , ще 8 міст

Trainee, Junior C#, ASP.NET Core Developer

ASP.Net developer
Львів, Дистанційно

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