
Project Manager (CRM, Loyalty programs, Call Centre)

Повна зайнятість.
47 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон, ел. пошту та адресу.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Знання і навички

  • MS Office
  • CRM
  • САПР
  • SQL
  • MS SQL Server

Додаткова інформація

Yuriy Salan
mob. [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
e-mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Summary: Career motivated self-starter with excellent experience in CRM, Customer Care, Call Centers, direct marketing and project management. Good in development and operations of new projects and “start-ups”, strong in managing people. Familiar with telecom and call centre markets of Ukraine. Hard-working, creative, PC literate.

Qualifications:Graduated as Specialist in Management (KNUKIM), Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English, driving license since 01/2000

October’2007 - present
Interbiz LLC – company with 100% of foreign investments, first call center top-up service in Ukraine
Position: Business Operations Manager
-established new company with unique business in telecom – top-up telesales call center
-implemented new top-up service for subscribers of Life:) mobile operator
-managed migration from in-house to outsourcing call centre model

November’2006 – October’2007
PEOPLEnet – first 3G mobile operator, Customer Service&CRM Department
Position: Head of Customer Service and CRM Department
-managing Customer Service and CRM (110 people all over Ukraine)
-established department from “zero” level (call center, CRM group, 9 shops in major cities of Ukraine, training group, printing center)

June’2005 - October’2006
Nestle Ukraine, Consumer Services and CRM
Position: Consumer Services Supervisor
-managing Consumer Services, CRM, outsourced Call Center
-responsible for all direct communication with consumers and CRM activities
-established Consumer Services department from “zero” level
-developed business processes and procedures for operation of department
-launched toll-free hot lines (printed on every product packaging)
-adopted and delivered global training “CRM the Nestle way” for Ukrainian HQ
-implemented CRM system CONSO+ (Coheris CRM)

January’2005 – May’2005
Samsung Electronics Ukraine, IT products division
Position: Channel Marketing Manager
-development and implementation of promo activities in retail channel,
-development and administration of floor sales loyalty program,
-implemented floor sales loyalty program “Samsung Retailers 2005”
-developed shop/networks certification program

October’2001 – December’2004
UMC Customer Relations Management department (CRM)
Position: Expert on customer retention / CRM Manager on brand “JEANS”
-development and launch of loyalty and retention programs,
-business case calculations for projects and campaigns,
-customer churn analysis, reporting and presentations,
-management of projects for retention and loyalty,
-managed project of “SIM-SIM Aladdin” and “EnerJEANS” loyalty programs development with project team of 10 persons including 4 consultants from German consulting company THERON,
-launched first in Ukraine retention programs for post-paid subscribers “More bundle minutes!”, 2001-2002.
-won competition and entered management talents group in UMC, 2002 г.

July’2000 – October’2001
UMC Call Centre
Position: Telemarketing group manager
-managing group of 15 people: motivation, team building, quality assurance
-recruiting to Call Centre, couching, training
-telemarketing campaign preparation, procedures creation
-set up the telemarketing group in UMC from the very beginning (software, hardware, personnel recruiting and training),
-developed recruiting procedure and recruited more then 100 representatives to Call Centre

September’2003 – July’2004 London School of English in Kiev. Cambridge Advanced English classes. Gained Certificate in Advanced English
October’1999 – October’2002 Kiev National University of Trade and Economics
Post-graduate study. Chair of marketing. Dissertation topic: «Marketing prepaid services on Ukrainian mobile market»
September’1994 – June’1999 Kiev National University of Culture and Arts
Show-business faculty.
Qualification: management in organizations

March’2006 Nestle HQ, Switzerland: “CRM the Nestle way” complex training on CRM in FMCG, “Train the Trainer - CRM the Nestle way” additional course
September’2002 – May’2003 CBSD educational program for UMC management talents group (trainer – Elizabeth Sadova, Moscow, Russia)
March’2003, 2004 IBM “Project management fundamentals”, “Risk and financial management”
April’1999 – April’2001 CBSD trainings: “Effective leadership”, “Teleselling”, “Client orientation”, “Customer Care: Dealing with a hard client”

PC skills: MS Office, MS SQL
Languages: Russian - native, Ukrainian - fluent, English – fluent
Personal: Aged 32, married, 2 children
Hobbies: modern and classical jazz, support of own web-site about CRM –
Updated version of CV: www.crm-expert.com.ua/downloads/Yuriy_Salan_CV_ENG.doc

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