
Chief Marketing Officer, 50 000 грн

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
38 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон , ел. пошту, Instagram та LinkedIn.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Business Development Manager

з 03.2019 по нині (5 років 4 місяці)
Self employed, Remote (Retail)

Since March, 2019 I've been creating and managing Shopify made online stores and managing with sales at Etsy, Walmart, eBay and some other marketplaces.

My clients are Ukrainian and forigner entrepreneurs rarely who are interested in the trade expansion at North American markets.

My job includes next to marketing activity the commercial activity functions ( CRM and BDM issues ) as a rule I develop or reinvent client business model far I create some sales strategies, do pricing and choice concrete sales tools with next budgeting and reporting for ones far I carry out the client marketing activity and coordinate one with client's sales management it includes:
*Business modeling
*Sales tools création or/and optimisation mainly with focus at e-commerce tools
Ad Campaigns Management (placement, budgeting, reporting , content creation)
Design Creation for packaging and outdoor ads
Hiring creativities for sub contractor's activity

Product Marketing Manager

з 12.2014 по 05.2017 (2 роки 5 місяців)
Startupbootcamp, Dublin (Marketing, advertising, and PR)

• Creation marketing & creative strategies for startups

•Design, build, execute and maintain startups' digital marketing, email marketing

*Design, build, execute advertising campaigns for startups including one at social media

•Design, execute and monitor On-Site campaigns to improve conversions

•Email marketing automation with HubSpot and other AMSs

• Brand awareness incresement of accelerator

• Analyzing market trends in FinTech , SmartFood industries

Brand Manager

з 08.2011 по 10.2012 (1 рік 2 місяці)
Nestle Ukraine, Kyiv (Food industry)

• Media strategy elaborating for the product " Nescafe Gold" it included- Managment with TV advertising campaigns' budget and ensure the budget is leveraged effectively to get market objectives

•Attracting contractors for carrying out ad campaigns including film directors & ad agencies, analyse the effectivity of ad campaigns

• Building relationships regarding to the product with leading Ukrainian retail chains and planning in the shops customer-centric events to increase brand awareness

• Adoption of brand booking, POS materials for market's trends

• Management with & analyse of Brand KPIs (Brand Health, Brand Awareness)

Marketing Manager

з 11.2008 по 08.2011 (2 роки 9 місяців)
Nestle, Kyiv (Food industry)

• company brand strategy localization to Ukrainian market

• Elaborating the concepts of ad videos and coordinating of contractors’ job to getting market objectives

• Analyzing competitors' marketing activity and far the preparation of recommendations to Marketing Department regarding to company's marketing
activities improvement

• Selection contractors ( film makers, graphic designers, photographers) and ordering POS materials and video content, controlling its work


ŠKODA AUTO University

International Marketing, Masters degree, Mladá Boleslav ( Czech Republic)
Вища, з 2006 по 2008 (1 рік 9 місяців)

Master’s degree programme International Marketing provided a solid base for a future career of top managers in the international environment of industrial companies, consulting companies or companies providing industrial services.

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Ikea School of management ( Stockholm)

year 2011 9 days

Salesforce training camp, Dublin

year 2015 6 days

Знання і навички

  • SMM
  • Marketing strategy
  • Business development
  • Digital marketing
  • Advertising
  • Strategic marketing
  • CRM
  • Creativity
  • Email Marketing

Знання мов

  • Англійська — просунутий
  • Французька — середній

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