Резюме від 16 березня 2021


Business Intelligence Analyst, 70 000 грн

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
25 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Київ

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон, ел. пошту та LinkedIn.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Додаткова інформація

EDUCATION August 2017 - May 2021
George Washington University, Washington, D.C. — B.A. in Computer Science, International Economics (double major)
Elliott School of International Affairs & School of Science & Engineering

• Data Analytics: Python (Pandas, Numpy), R, STATA, Google Analytics • Web Scraping: Python (Selenium, Beautiful Soup)
• Programming Languages: Python, Java, Kotlin • Data Wrangling: Tableau Prep, Excel, Alteryx
• Data Visualization: Tableau, Python, Excel, Power BI • Databases: mySQL, MongoDB, Neo4J (Cypher)
• IDE: Spyder, Jupyter Notebook, RStudio, PyCharm • B2B Sales: Prospecting, Closing, LinkedIn Sales Navigator
• Cloud: AWS (E2C), Apache Hadoop & MapReduce • Presentations: Reports, Interactive Dashboards
• Supply and Logistics Analytics • NLP (Text Analytics), A/B Testing, Network Analysis
• API:Experience with Twitter and GoogleMaps APIs. • Dashboards: Google Data Studio, Tableau, Power BI

DataCamp: Python Programmer for Data Analytics (Certificate)
Gallup Strengths: Contextual, Activator, Maximizer, Competition, Futuristic


Business Intelligence Analyst — Digital Revamp Marketing Agency, Washington, D.C. — September 2020-Present
• Analyzing and visualizing client advertising data. Competition analysis. Building dashboards, presentations, and reports.
• In-house R&D (Text Processing & Sentiment Analysis); Research and Data Analytics.
Business Development Manager — Digital Revamp Marketing Agency, Washington, D.C. — May 2019-August 2020
• B2B Sales and Prospecting: outreach (personalized emails, calls, etc) and building relationships with over 50 leads.
• Managed 2 video editors, and 1 designer to produce a documentary, produce LinkedIn content, and research reports.
• Established two partnerships with web development firms.
• Used Search Engine Optimization (SEO) meta tags to increase website ranking by 23% in 2 months.
• Created company video training and onboarding programs. Recruited executive assistant, copywriters, and designers.
• Customer Journey construction using ClickFunnels. Corporate Identity Development (Company’s Website)
• ACHIEVEMENT: 21 equity investors attracted for our client’s startup at the Rise Conference Hong Kong 2019.
Market Research Intern (IoT) — Crowdkeep, Washington, D.C. — May 2018-July 2018
• Collected data from 84 global competitors providing IoT BT gates and sensors.
• Analyzed pricing data, visualized using Excel, reported statistical summary.
• Corporate Identity Development (Company’s Website)
• ACHIEVEMENT: Data-backed report delivered to the CEO to help to compare company’s pricing with competitors.
Market Research Intern — Alexandria Soccer Association, Alexandria, VA. — May 2017-June 2017
• Researched and analyzed demographic trends from customer data. Hosted events and soccer tournaments.
• ACHIEVEMENT: I have found and reported an unnoticed customer trend in data, and suggested expanding operations into a specific market based on specific demographic revenue trend. A year later, the Executive Director has confirmed that the organization has expanded and saw success within the new market.
• In 2020, I have performed an additional demographic analysis and visualized the changes over the past 3 years.
LinkedIn WebScraping & Analytics | Key Tools: Python (Selenium, Beautiful Soup Libraries), Spyder, LinkedIn
• Developed a Python program that automatically scrapes content performance data (likes, views, etc).
• Visualized findings using Matplotlib to enable regression analysis to conclude whether your LinkedIn is growing.
• Wrote a LinkedIn article and edited a video tutorial that explained technical details, benefits, and the program’s flow.
• Used Python Dash and Flask to create an interactive web application that runs in the web browser (localhost only).

LANGUAGES English (Native), Ukrainian (Native), Russian (Native), French (Intermediate)

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