Резюме від 14 червня 2021


Інженер систем ІБ, 50 000 грн

Повна зайнятість.
56 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Додаткова інформація

Cyber Security Consultant Ukroboronprom
Dates Employed Feb 2020 – Present
Location Kyiv City, Ukraine
Responsible for providing security during the development stages of software systems, networks, data centers, risk assessment, product development, and technical architecture. Searching for vulnerabilities and risks in hardware and software. I develop the information security policy of the State Concern Ukroboronprom in the field of cybersecurity and interact with government agencies responsible for cybersecurity in Ukraine (Cybersecurity Coordinating Group of the National Security and Defense Council, State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection, CERT-UA, the SSU Coordination Center for Cybersecurity).

Consultant Bitfury Group
Dates Employed Jul 2018 – Feb 2020
Location Kyiv, Ukraine
I promoted Bitfury’s distributed ledger technology (DLT) solutions for defense and military sectors of the CIS countries, spreaded blockchain for cybersecurity and greater security of personal data, helped to advance fresh DLT applications that will further promote innovation within the EU Horizon 2020 Program. I supported Bitfury’s customers by consulting them about Crystal - the software tool helps financial institutions and law enforcement provide blockchain investigations. The International Cyber Academy tutor since September 2019.

Trusted Adviser CEO Qnective AG
Dates Employed Jan 2018 – Jul 2018
Location Kyiv, Ukraine
I promoted communication platforms made in Switzerland for standard smartphones as secure mobile business solutions. I supported government agencies, police, military forces, political and public institutions as well as NGO’s in Eurasia Region by consulting them about Qnective AG solution application for end-to-end encrypted voice and messaging services as well as in cybersecurity & information protection.

Senior Analyst BRDO
Dates Employed Oct 2016 – Nov 2017
Location Ukraine
I have contributed to the creation of Ukrainian Digital Agenda 2020, worked out the conception of the Emergency response system with a single number 112 establishment and helped to remove regulatory barriers for mobile payments and 4G mobile network development in Ukraine. In addition, I have contributed to launching the Mobile ID. I had prepared Regulatory Green Book with analyzed regulatory barriers for eID implementation in Ukraine.

GIR manager Ericsson
Dates Employed Apr 2011 – Apr 2016
Location Ukraine
I identified and analyzed policy and regulatory trends, emerged opportunities and threats for Ericsson business in Eurasia countries, created favorable conditions for the company's business growth, established Ericsson as a trusted advisor for telecom regulators and administrators in Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, and Armenia. In addition, I put significant contributions in the creation of Ericsson R&D center in Ukraine; national e-health system and DVB T2 network in Armenia based on Ericsson’s solutions.

Head of the informational and analytical division, NCCIR
Dates Employed Sep 2008 – Mar 2011
Location Kyiv, Ukraine
Supplied the regulator with information-analytical data, communicated with international partners and regulators, published Annual reports of the ICT regulator; supported the NCCIR international activities in the ICT sphere. I have launched and developed the English language version of the NCCIR official web site and the annual reports. I had contributed to EU Twinning training programs for the regulator.

Senior Officer, MoD Ukraine
Dates Employed Aug 1990 – Mar 2008
Location Ukraine
Military service, a colonel in resignation. I had managed big integration projects in telecom and IT.


MBA, the University of Sheffield, UK
Field Of Study - MBA in General Management
Dates attended - graduation 1/10/2012 – 19/06/2015
City College an International Faculty of the University of Sheffield
Tittle of the dissertation: The Development of Complex Adaptive Leadership Skills
of Line Managers: Ericsson Ukraine Case Study.

Master, Ukrainian National Academy of Defense (Kyiv)
Field Of Study - Master in Supply Chain Management
Dates attended - graduation 1/08/1998 – 1/07/2000

Engineer, Engineering Institute, St.-Petersburg, RF
Field Of Study - Radio, Television, and Digital Communication
Dates attended - graduation 1/08/1985 – 1/07/1990

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