Резюме від 16 грудня 2022 Файл


JavaScript developer

40 років

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Ihor Neizvestnyi

JavaScript Developer
I am passionate about software engineering and currently looking forward to join a team as a javaScript

1. Github/Train-Schedule/ ... [ React JS, Node JS, MongoDB, Rest API ]
2. Github/Chat-rooms/ ... [ Nest JS, React JS, WebSocket, Heroku ]
3. Github/Meeting-Rooms/ ... [ Nest JS, TypeORM, PostgreSQL ]
4. Github/Transport-Delivery/ ... [ Node.js, Mongo DB, Express.js ]
5. Github/Redux-CRUD/ ... [ React JS, Redux, Thunk, Rest API ]
Contacts 6. Github/React-Components/ ... [ React JS, Rest API, Adaptive, Webpack ]
C: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»). Github/Test-Softwarenetic/ ... [ Vanilla JS, Rest API, Adaptive, Bootstrap ]
E: Neizvestnyi.Igor@gmail
8. Github/Bem-Prepros-Scss/ ... [ BEM, SASS/SCSS, jQuery ]
L: Linkedin
G: GitHub 9. Github/Responsive-Adaptive/ ... [ CSS, Adaptive/Responsive ]
10. Github/Test-Sb/ ... [ javaScript, Select/Burger Menu, PopUp ]
11. Github/Rock-Paper-Scissors/ ... [ javaScript Game - rockPaperScissors ]
Tech Skills
12. Github/Deposit/ ... [ javaScript - Deposit Calculator ]
JavaScript / Node JS / TypeScript
13. Github/Store-Html-Css/ ... [ HTML5, CSS3 ]
Nest JS / Expres JS / TypeORM
React JS / Redux / Thunk / Saga 14. Github/Video-Audio/ ... [ Video/Audio Content ]
HTML5 / CSS3 / Bootstrap
15. Github/Grid-Only/ ... [ Grid Layout Only ]
Sass / Scss / KIT
PHP / SQL / JQuery
PostgeSQL / mySQL / MongoDB
Webpack / Gulp
Git / GitHub EPAM University Program
Docker Front-End to Full-stack
Visual Studio Code September 2021 - February 2022 | Ukraine
Linux / Ubuntu
Kharkiv College of Radioelectronics
Septermber 2002 - June 2006 | Ukraine
Soft Skills
English Work Experience:
Teamwork JavaScript Developer InCore
April 2022 - November 2022 | Ukraine
Stress Resistance
Responsibility Back-End/Frontend development of the company's internal product.
Use of modern technologies: React JS, Nest JS, TypeORM for the project, and development in them.
Communication with the team, to assemble a full-fledged application for a real and useful product.

Front-End Developer Freelance
August 2021 - February 2022 | Ukraine

Website layout using html and other means.
Editing pages to ensure fast loading and quality content.
Application of CSS styles for good readability, as well as in accordance with the customer's design
Bringing the design to the highest result, editing photos, videos, audio.

Sound engineer Infusion recording studio
March 2019 - August 2021 | Ukraine

Editing audio tracks of any complexity.
Sound recording of any musical instruments, followed by mixing and sound processing.
Voice recording, processing, cleaning, noise reduction, compression, etc.

Engineer / Researcher Scientific institute "Monokrystal"
July 2014 - March 2019 | Ukraine

Growing single crystals and ribbons.
Maintenance of technological process and scientific documentation.

Video Editor Baun Games LLC
June 2010 - February 2014 | Ukraine

Editing of video clips for computer games in various video editors.
Video animation with current video effects.
Selection of sound, music, creation of audio tracks for the atmosphere of games.

Схожі кандидати

Front-end developer (React Js)
Львів, Івано-Франківськ , ще 2 міста

Trainee JavaScript Developer
Львів, Дніпро , ще 4 міста

Javascript developer
16000 грн, Львів, Дистанційно


Software Engineer (Node.js, TypeScript, JavaScript)
Львів, Запоріжжя , ще 8 міст

Python, JS Full Stack Developer
Львів, Київ, Одеса

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