Резюме від 16 березня 2023 PRO


IT product manager

Повна зайнятість.
29 років
Місто проживання:
Інші країни
Готовий працювати:
Інші країни, Київ

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон, ел. пошту, адресу та LinkedIn.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Product Owner

з 05.2022 по 07.2022 (2 місяці)
Nokia, Wroclaw (IT)

Managed 5G multicultural testing team of 9 in Agile environment. Mentored on
Scrum Ceremonies. Managed Backlog. JIRA, Confluence, Excel, PowerBI,PowerPoint.

Product manager/Participant

з 10.2021 по 10.2021 (менш ніж місяць)
Demium Startup Camp, Kyiv (IT)

To be in CEO’s and Founder’s shoes, during 4 days dived into venture investment trends, developed the product idea, pitched my own idea. Learned the Market size calculation, P&L and Unit Economics calculation.

- Product idea creation
- Lean canvas and presentation conducting
- Target audience segmentation
- Brainstorming with the team and conflicts resolving
- Task scope creation and prioritization
- Remote team management
- Value proposition creation
- Hypotheses creation, pitching to the international mentors
- Unfair advantages creation and unit economics accounting.

Product manager/Participant

з 08.2021 по 08.2021 (менш ніж місяць)
WILDWILDHACK ML Hackathon by Pawa and Reface, Kyiv (AI/ML product company and AR/VR investment)

My aim was networking with other ML and AR enthusiasts and challenging myself with pitching experience. During a 48-hours-long ML hackathon, gathered team just on the spot, developed the idea, pivoting several times, created chatbot information architecture, and as a result created 3 pitch-deck presentations with different product ideas, almost without any sleep.

- Presented pitch-deck
- Gathered the team
- Idea validation
- Made a pivot
- Value proposition
- TA Segmentation,
- Features scope,
- Created the information architecture,
- Wireframes description
- Worked on the MVP with the developer, solving problems just in case.

Product Manager, Business Consultant

з 04.2021 по 02.2023 (1 рік 10 місяців)
Freelance, Warsaw (IT)

Created Product Vision for 5 New Products.
Mentored on Business Analysis by McKinsey&Co
Conducted Market Research, Competitors Analysis, User Persona, JTBD Canvas and
CJM, Startup Lean Canvas with OKRs, Feature Scoping and Prioritization, P&L,
Execution Roadmap, User Stories, User Flow Diagram, Mockups, Acceptance
Criteria, Vendors Research, Marketing Positioning, Content Plan, Presentation.
• New Life – B2B2C SaaS bottled water delivery platform – Created the company
vision from scratch to improve cash-flow, item flow and customer service, increase
CLTV of the marketplace app and reach the mission to grow the healthy
generation with the clean water in polluted industrial cities.
• BackApp – B2C Health and Fitness mobile app – In 7 days created the product
strategy from scratch to improve ergonomic furniture company’s CLTV with in-app
fitness tutorials, scheduled training, collaborative tournament table and in-app
purchase of skipping trainings.
• V R Managers – VR EdTech platform – In 2 days created idea, calculated the
budget and built Q4 2022 Roadmap to reduce employee turnover of Fortune 500
companies, decrease the time and cost of onboarding by training the soft skills of
managers according to company’s business principles with the use of the platform
and by hiring already trained candidates.
• XR Detective Mystery Game – In 3 days created Product Vision.
• FinTech App – In 2 days created Product Vision from Gen Z perspective.

Localization Manager, UX Writer

з 12.2020 по 03.2021 (3 місяці)
ROCKET Delivery, Kyiv (IT)

Managed localization in SaaS startup on growth stage, scaling into 10 counties.
Collaborated cross-functionally with 3 product teams simultaneously, PMO, CMO, CXM, and Founder.
Improved operations with localization platform.
After the user interview, suggested improvements of UX and marketing messages across 3 products.
Suggested ML personalization feature to boost in-app purchase and remove choice paralysis after user interviews.
Created UI elements copies, error messages, what's new, emails in UA, RU and ENG.

UX Writer, Chatbot Information Architect, Conversational AI

з 09.2020 по 11.2020 (2 місяці)
D2 Fusion, UNIT.City, Kyiv (IT)

Built the Content Architecture of Conversational AI e-Assistant from 0 to 1 in just 2 months to digitalize business processes, using Figma, Miro, Balsamiq, DialogFlow.

Senior TV Editor Team Leader

з 08.2015 по 08.2019 (4 роки)
Starlightmedia, Kyiv (ЗМІ, медіа)

Full-lifecycle of TV Show Production. Manager of 4. Was responsible for 2,5-hour TV show post-production. Reported to C-level and Founder. Created with the team a successful MVP for investors and this TV Show Episode scored the 2nd place in the 2019 List of TOP-Viewed Episodes.


National Aviation University, Institute of International Relations

Journalism, Kyiv, Ukraine
Вища, з 2012 по 2016 (4 роки)

Minors - Management and Marketing, Art of Advertising, Public Relations, World Economics, Politology, History of World Cultures, Information Wars.

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Web Academy - IT product management

2021, 8 місяців

MacPaw's workshop - UX writer

2020 рік

Bazilik School - SMM marketing strategy

2020 рік

Fedoriv - Brand management

2020 рік

Amazon Web Services - Technical Essentials


LinkedIn Learning - Machine Learning: Feature Engineering


Google Project Manager Professional Certification


Знання і навички

Adobe Premiere Pro Trello Google Google Drive Final Cut Adobe Edius Водіння авто DaVinci Resolve Asana Розкрій тканини Google Trends Worksection

Знання мов

  • Англійська — просунутий
  • Французька — початковий
  • Українська — вільно
  • Російська — вільно
  • Польська — середній

Додаткова інформація


- Software Product Lifecycle basic knowledge;
- Agile (SCRUM, Kanban, XP, Behavior-driven development), Waterfall frameworks basic knowledge;
- Worked with US and EU clients within different time-zones and in business-trips;
- Work with 3 product teams, marketing, customer support simultaneously;
- Feature scoping and prioritization experience;
- User stories, and acceptance criteria definition experience;
- Coaching and mentoring the Scrum Master;
- Company’s OKRs, product key metrics definition experience;
- Roadmapping for workflow of cross-functional team: product, engineering, marketing, sales, business analysis and customer support experience;
- Relational database design basic knowledge;
- SQL basic knowledge;
- P&L documentation for company budgeting creation experience;
- Pitch-Deck presentation experience;
- Mobile App’s market trends research, market size calculation, competitors analysis experience;
- Stock market and investment trends analysis experience;
- Unit economics calculation experience;
- Hypotheses creation and validation experience;
- A/B tests basics knowledge;
- Surveys, CustDev Interviews, Customer Journey Mapping;
- Value Proposition Canva creation with the focus on the JTBD approach;
- Marketing positioning and content strategy creation for the mobile application’s US audience;
- Wireframes and prototyping for B2B and B2C web and mobile applications experience;
- PRD conducting experience;
- NLP and Machine Learning feature engineering basics;
- RAN, BTS, LTE and 5G architecture basics for IoT and automotive;
- AWS — basic knowledge;
- OpenStack, Kubernetes, Docker, MongoDB, GitHub, Cucumber integration basic knowledge;
- Suggested ML-based and AR-based solutions to reach the business-goals.


- SQL, Tableau, Amplitude, Power BI, Google Analytics, Facebook Analytics, Sensor Tower, SimilarWeb.
- MIRO, Figma, Balsamiq.
- Facebook Ads, Google Ads
- Hotjar, Google Forms.
- Jira, Trello, Asana, Worksection, Бітрікс24.
- Zoom, MS Teams, Google Meets, Skype, Slack, MS Outlook.
- MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Presentations.
- Google Drive, Notion, Confluence, OneDrive.
- Airtable

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