
Customer support specialist, sales manager, virtual assistant, dispatcher

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
30 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Харків

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Virtual Assistant

з 11.2023 по 02.2024 (3 місяці)
Vintage, Remote (Marketing, advertising, and PR)

Qualifying generated leads.
Schedule appointments with potential leads, coordinating with the team for availability.

Sales manager

з 02.2021 по 10.2023 (2 роки 8 місяців)
UAAC, Kharkiv (Education and science)

1. Cold calling and emailing prospective students around the world, majorly Africa , introducing them to higher education opportunities in Ukraine.
2. Managed our social media accounts for ads and promotion of services.
3. Was team lead tasked with the responsibility of setting up meetings with prospective clients,writing weekly progress reports and brainstorming ideas on sales and client satisfaction.
4. worked with CRM zendesk and workiz.

Customer support manager/ Sales Manager

з 09.2017 по 02.2021 (3 роки 5 місяців)
Dynamo Group, Kharkiv (Real estate)

My responsibilities included:
1. Marketing our products to prospective clients, offering them the best possible prices, while helping them make the best choice.
2. Ensured deals were closed, ensuring the sales team met the company's targets.
3. Worked as team lead supervising other agents and ensuring smooth running of the department.
4. Worked with CRM Zendesk.

Customer support representative/Sales manager

з 03.2015 по 08.2017 (2 роки 5 місяців)
Call center., Kharkiv (Chemical industry, pharmaceuticals)

My responsibilities included:
- working as an inbound customer support representative and sales manager.
- Attended to customer's needs which included helping them get their medications with the best package available, easing their purchase hassle, while ensuring they never run out of their supplies.
- Handling outbound follow up calls to potential clients who had previously indicated interest in our services.


V.V Dokuchaeva kharkiv National Agrarian University

Accounting And Finance, Kharkiv
Вища, з 2018 по 2020 (2 роки)

Graduated with a Master's degree where I learned the basics of accounting, starting and growing business organisations, gained insights into global markets, gathering analytical skills,long term strategic planning and financial budgeting with insights into profit and loss margins.

V.N Karazin Kharkiv National University.

Medicine, Kharkiv
Вища, з 2012 по 2018 (6 років)

I graduated from the faculty of medicine and had an awesome experience studying in the beautiful city of Kharkiv.

V.N Karazin Kharkiv National University

Preparatory (Language), Kharkiv
Вища, з 2012 по 2012 (менш ніж 1 рік)

Had an amazing time learning the basics of russian language, eventually going on to gain fluency in the language.

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Introduction to customer support, Coursera

2024, 2 months

Public speaking and Leadership, Toastmasters International

2022-present, still ongoing

Знання і навички

  • MS Excel
  • MS Word
  • PC User
  • Communicability
  • Work with clients
  • Teamwork
  • Google
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • Management skills
  • Adobe
  • Time management
  • Leadership
  • Bilingual
  • Organisational Skills
  • Stress resistance
  • Management of CRM
  • Ability to work in multitasking mode
  • Receiving incoming calls
  • Conducting online chats
  • Salesforce user
  • The first line of support
  • Second line of support
  • Fast typing
  • Trello

Знання мов

  • Англійська — вільно
  • Російська — просунутий
  • Українська — середній
  • Французька — початковий


Joseph Israel James Jnr.

Joseph Israel James Jnr.

Customer care representative, HR manager

Контактні дані приховані

Додаткова інформація

I have excellent communication skills and I am a result oriented hardworker. I am diligent,committed,punctual,and have the ability to work both individually and as a team player who understands that together each achieves more. I am committed to giving my best to significantly contribute towards reaching organisational goals in record time, while offering the best possible services. I am a self–motivated, self–starter who believes that strong communication skills is a powerful tool for success, and that is why I pay close attention to details as this is vital for good communication. I am an active listener as well, and I am able to connect with people from all walks of life. I am confident in my ability to work hard and stay focused until the job gets done. I look forward to contributing to your company's success story by offering my best services.

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