Резюме від 10 серпня 2023 Файл


Chief operating officer, Legal counsel

42 роки
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Київ, Одеса

Контактна інформація

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Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Завантажений файл

Версія для швидкого перегляду

Це резюме розміщено у вигляді файлу. Ця версія для швидкого перегляду може бути гіршою за оригінал резюме.

Oleksii Lebediev

Personal details:
e-mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
mobile: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Linkedin: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Strategic and versatile operation executive with 15+ years of hands-on experience
with business, people, and project management. Specific areas of deep expertise include
financial/tax/accounting management, legal and compliance, and project development.
I have a keen eye for details and excel in planning, organising, and managing large
projects while keeping the focus on people and time management. I enjoy a challenge and
during the last year I have increased the company's market share by 12%.
Among my professional highlights are legal representation, pre-trial and litigation in
Ukraine, including full legal support for several foreign subsidiaries in Ukraine in the field
of engineering, production as well as ensuring full-cycle real estate support, including
appraisal, rental and/or purchase due diligence, reconstruction and renovation project
management in multiple deals in different regions of Ukraine.
I believe that in addition to efficient processes a successful business also needs
positive people relations and throughout my career, I have focused on building relations
with employees, customers, vendors, and authorities.


October 2019 - Present “BIIR Ukraine” LLC, Chief operating officer/Legal counsel
December 2017 - Present “BIIR Property” LLC, Chief operating officer/Legal counsel

Leading large cross-functional teams in the deployment of enterprise-wide projects
and programs. Managing multiple projects as project manager, leading a team of internal
staff and external vendors in delivering business solutions

o Full-cycle legal management with a team of experienced accountants, auditors,
lawyers, including internal and external interaction
o Co-management of the accounting team, overall control over compliance with key
financial indicators, tax planning, cost control and budget execution, participation in
decision-making in strategic planning
o Developing and providing quarterly/monthly regional & business unit reviews and
o Controlling and participation in providing accounting and management reports on a
regular basis (balance sheet, P&L, cash flow, etc.)
o Participating in recruitment, onboarding, and engagement of team members, definition
of KPI and development of a systematic employee motivation approach
o Participating in ISO implementation and certification processes
o Contributing to project plans to fit stakeholder and customer needs and deliver within
budget on desired outcomes; full accountability for project results
o Managing deliverables from 3rd-party vendors and conducting site visits to coordinate
product delivery logistics
o Defining project roles and responsibilities in close collaboration with the Customer,
including project scope and objectives to ensure a cross-functional understanding
amongst project members
o Project tracking through clear and concise status reports and time management
reports; proactively identifying potential issues and tracking project member progress
against commitments
o Conducting lessons learnt to identify and recommend improvements, cost-saving
initiatives, and substitutions to positively impact current and future project budget or

August 2008 - Present “Consulting company “EXPERT” LLC, Co-Founder & CEO

Full management of legal accounting appraisal company including all operational
issues, SLA’s, management reporting systems, and adherence to policy.

o Supervising implementation of Quality policies and ensuring compliance
o Benchmarking of legal and accounting, tax advisory services with comparable
o Managing all processes to ensure service level performance criteria are met, customer
service issues are resolved, VIP services are delivered, and team members are trained
on policies and procedures
o Collaborating closely with all team members to implement service and cost savings
initiatives that support the organisation’s goals
o Monitoring client invoices and billing statements to ensure accuracy
o Building and maintaining relationships with key suppliers, internal and external
business stakeholders

July 2003 – June 2008 Security service of Ukraine, officer

L A N G U A G E S:
Native Russian
Fluent Ukrainian
Upper Intermediate English
Beginner German

Technology: Basic knowledge of SDLC, Agile frameworks (Scrum, Kanban) and ERP systems

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