Резюме від 31 січня 2024 Файл



31 рік

Контактна інформація

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CELL.: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
EMAIL: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
30 Y.O.


ABOUT MYSELF Head of Conference, Project Curator
Smile Expo |JUNE 2016 - NOVEMBER 2017.
Journalist, PR Expert. Organization and planning of the conferences such as
Finance, Fintech,Crypto Innotech Ukraine, Vape Expo Odessa, Connected Car.
Participation in-Built an outsource team.
Responsible for video production, marketing
EDUCATION videos, offline presentations.
Presentation of PR strategy and delegation of
Kyiv National Linguistic University responsibilities within the team.
Bachelor, "Interpreter, Philology" Conducting the analytics of event market, budgeting,
2011-2015 conceptualizing.
- Bachelor's degree
- Newspaper editor PR-Officer
PSP Platon| JUNE 2018 - May 2023
Organization of events and campaigns with the
ADDITIONAL EDUCATION financial and ecom market.
Work with Associations, National Bank of Ukraine,
Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine.
Launch of company rebranding, product presentations.
Coursera. Participation in specialized exhibitions and conferences
University of Pennsylvania as well as award ceremonies.
Introduction to Marketing Working with the media: posting articles, banner
Show Max
Head, Presenter
Advertising Technology School
Ukrainian Fintech Hub| May 2020 y. - May 2023.
Public Relationship
Development of the company's strategy, project launch.
JMedia Journalism and SMM courses Gathering a team, creating a studio.
in Kyiv Launch of fintech digest and interview on the channel
Public Relationship Conducting interviews and webinars.
Participation in open discussions.
Les Kurbas Acting Centre
"The Territory Of Creation" Acting
Crypto Expert, Radio Host
Qmall.fm - the first crypto radio. |April 2023 - November 2023

Who is running after whom: banks after Fintech or Fintech
after banks? TOP 50 Most Influential Women in Fintech
Yevhen Chichvarkin: About the end of the war in Ukraine,
Arestovych and Boris Johnson, volunteering and putin's Ambassador of the largest business community in
death - in the interview for UFH Ukraine Board
Sandbox in Ukraine: how to test your fintech product under
the supervision of the Natoinal Bank of Ukraine? Ambassador of the charitable organization called
Interviw witg the Deputy ministry of Social policy about Front-U
"eDopomoga" platform.
Host of such events as the PaySpace Magazine
Awards, the pitch battle of the largest conference
LANGUAGES in Europe UAFIN.TECH 2020, Digital Lending,
TechFin Expert Summit, FinRetail
and MFO Summit.
Ukrainian - Native
Russian - Fluent
English - Advanced Initiator of the discussion: "Can financial
French - Elementary companies turn into neobanks" at the MFO


Схожі кандидати

PR-директор, прессекретар

Head of PR


Head of SMM, MQL (Lead in Marketing, PR Department)
81000 грн, Київ, Дистанційно

Head of marketing (PR)
60000 грн, Київ

PR-директор, Head of marketing communications
Київ, Дистанційно

Усі схожі кандидати

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