Резюме від 20 березня 2024 Файл


ML/Python Developer


Контактна інформація

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Nikolietta Bihun
ML/Python Developer
Location: Lviv
Phone: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Email: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

About myself
I am passionate about my work. Because I love what I do, I have a steady source of motivation and inspiration
that drives me to do my best. Discipline, meticulousness and initiative are my work companions.

Summary of Qualifications Key business domains
ML/Python developer with 3+ years of
- Logistics
- Supply Chain Management.

Core skills
- Software development Methodologies
- Design patterns
- Design principles (SOLID, YAGNI, KISS, DRY)
- Machine Learning/Deep Learning/Computer Vision / Object Tracking
- Effective communication and problem solving
- People organization development
- Product quality improvements
- Project estimation
- Project Team Management
- Fast learning
Programming Languages/Technologies/Frameworks

- Python (intermediate) - PHP (beginner)
- HTML/CSS (beginner) - Bash (beginner)
- Borland Delphi/Pascal (intermediate) - SQL (beginner)
- TeamCity - SonarQube
- Jira, Confluence - RaspPi 3,4 cameras
- Jetson Nano cameras - Multiprocessing, multithreading
- Tensorflow - Keras
- OpenCV - Azure (begginer)
Development Tools Operating Systems
- PyCharm Community - Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 10
- Git - Ubuntu 16, 18, 20, 22
- Docker
- Visual Studio Code

Work Experiance

Fintech Project

Project Automation of different bank processes and build
different prediction models.

Company CIGen

Customer US finance company.

Involvement 9 monthes
Project Role Python Developer

Responsibilities  Developing tasks for automation different bank

Project Team 3 team members
Tools & Python, Windows, Azure, SQL, Excel

Machine Learning Project

Project The aim of project was to use ML approaches in order
to optimize processes for logistic companies. For that
were used trained neural networks, smart cameras,
tracking techniques (Kalman filter as one of them).

Company Logivations

Customer A set world customers that require logistic solutions.

Involvement 3 years
Project Role Developer/Team Lead/Product Owner

Responsibilities  Logging Standards Documentation
 Managing Deliverables
 Managing meetings
 Weekly reports creation
 Managing tickets in Jira
 Developing tasks: gathering datasets, training
networks, creating relevant algorithms and their
implementation, writing unit tests, writing code
for cameras tracking logic, writing code on server
side for processing tracking data from cameras
and for father communication with other services,
refactoring existing code with providing more
sufficient solutions.
 Deploying product on a customer side (servers)
Project Team 12 team members
Tools & Python, Docker, Bash, Tensorflow, Keras, RaspPi3/4
Technologies cameras, Jetson cameras, Jira, Ubunta

Data Science project
Project The project that provides medical data analytics
Company CoreValue
Customer US customer
Involvement 9 months
Project Role Junior researcher
Responsibilities Check and clean data and provide analytics
dashboards using Tableau Desktop
Project Team Size 4 team members
Tools & Statistic, Tableau Desktop

- Fundamentals of Visualization with Tableau (with certificate)
- Machine Learning course (with certificate)
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning (2 parts, both with certificate) -
- Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence (with certificate),
- Machine Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng 2022 (without

Name of the Education Establishment: Ivan Franko National University
of Lviv
Faculty/College: Mechanics and Mathematics
Degree (diploma): Master
Specialty: Differential equations

- Ukrainian – mother tongue
- English – intermediate

Схожі кандидати

Львів, Дистанційно

Full Stack Ruby on Rails/PHP/Python Developer
Львів, Дистанційно

Python (Django/Flask) Web Developer
80001 грн, Львів, Вінниця , ще 7 міст

Инженер-электроник, программист микроконтроллеров, разработчик РЭА
Львів, Дніпро , ще 5 міст

Junior C++, Python, Unity developer
Львів, Київ , ще 2 міста

Львів, Інші країни, Дистанційно

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