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Welcome! My name is Serhiy, and I work in the field of music and sound production. My primary goal is to establish my own business, which I have been passionately honing my skills for over 15 years to expand my expertise. Currently, I am interested in partnership opportunities, as well as working as an author on various creative projects and collaborating with global companies, where I can share my experience in music-related work and product creation. To learn more about my work, you can visit my LinkedIn profile.

My main role involves managing the development and creation of products in the sound and music production industry. In addition to shaping business models and products, I have also been involved in designing and implementing the functionality of my own store, providing a comprehensive coverage of the market. Style is my driving force, as design greatly influences products, whether it's music or interface design. My main tool is the restyling of user interfaces, updating the design of popular programs for musicians. You can explore more of my work on my business page.

Currently, I am interested in exploring new directions and embarking on a new path that will propel me further and discover exciting opportunities for myself and my partners. With 15 years of experience in various fields, I have acquired a diverse set of skills, including working parallelly with AI, which has had a profound impact on the market and has helped me solve numerous tasks and create many intriguing products. I am open to proposals in various fields and industries, both in terms of work and collaboration. Please take a look at my activities, and perhaps something will catch your interest, and together we can create something new and essential for the present day.

I possess a diverse range of skills, including music and sound design, interface design, and marketing. I currently live and work in Ukraine, where I run my own media business. As I have a free year ahead of me, I am now looking to explore new business opportunities and collaborations.

Over the past 15 years, I have been deeply involved in the Media Creative Business, encompassing music, video, photography, poetry, marketing, and managing my own business. I develop and create my own media products in Ukraine and distribute them in Europe and America. Throughout my career, I have collaborated with major companies in the music and software industry, some of which generate monthly turnover in the millions.

I am particularly interested in finding a thematic work opportunity that will be mutually beneficial for both of us. More than just a job, I seek cooperation and the chance to explore shared ideas that can bring benefits to both parties. I strongly believe that experience, critical thinking, and exposure to new information serve as strong motivators and contribute to personal and professional growth.

While I may not consider myself an expert in the realm of large-scale Media Business, I am eager to offer my services. I possess great potential, and perhaps my skills and expertise may be of value to you. In any case, I am open to discussing how we can collaborate and support each other's endeavors.

• PHP - Junior
• Java - Junior
• HTML5 + CSS3 - Middle (Wordpress Admin + )
• Game modder GTA, CryEngine (Visual improvements, graphics)
• Media Marketing
• Media Product Manager
• Sound Producer
• CEO of COLOVE Recordings (Media Business) from 2014.

• Adobe Photoshop
• Adobe Premiere Pro
• Adobe XD
• Vegas Pro
• FL Studio
• Ableton Live

Previously, I studied game development, working on games and editing game parameters within the game engine. However, my priorities shifted when I started focusing on music. I am now a skilled Sound Producer at a professional level. I am eager to continue learning and rapidly develop my skills in programming, design, and business management. I aspire to surround myself with like-minded individuals, exchanging experiences and knowledge. I have numerous ideas and thoughts that I am passionate about bringing to life. Additionally, I have the ability to serve as a software tester or project manager, providing a fresh and innovative perspective. I possess valuable skills in HTML5, CSS3, as well as experience with Wordpress and Woocommerce.

Image-Line Software (2 Years) - Graphic Designer by ZGameEditor Visualizer
Reveal Sound Spire - Graphic Designer by GUI (mod) and Sound Designer
LennarDigital (Sylenth1) - Graphic Designer by GUI and Sound Designer
Native Instruments (Massive) - Graphic Designer by GUI and Sound Designer

My top products that I made:
COLOVE ZGamerX (Graphic Designer, Developer, ZGE Tester)

COLOVE ZGamerX (About more):

Email: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Website: https://coloverecordings.com
LinkedIn: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

COLOVE Recordings: @colove_m
COLOVE Succor: @colovesuccor
COLOVE Sunrise: @colove_sunrise
COLOVE BLACKCAT: @colove_cat
Sound Of Freedom: @colove_s
VinS (CEO): @official_vins

VinS (CEO): @vins_sound
COLOVE Succor: @colovesuccor
COLOVE Nature: @colove_nature
COLOVE Sunrise: @colove_sunrise
COLOVE Products: @colove_products
ATHENA Podcast: @athena_podcast

FACEBOOK: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
BUSINESS: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
PRODUCTS: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Regards, Serhiy Kopanskyy

CEO: COLOVE Recordings, COLOVE Sunrise, Sound Of Freedom, COLOVE BLACKCAT, COLOVE Products, COLOVE Succor, COLOVE ENTELECHY and COLOVE Engineer

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