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Node.js Developer


Контактна інформація

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Anastasiia Tesliuk
Software Developer
Phone - [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
Telegram - @teslyuka
LinkedIn - [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
GitHub - https://github.com/ana-tes

⦁ 4+ years of professional expertise in the Information Technology industry;
⦁ Proficient knowledge of JavaScript;
⦁ Proficient knowledge of Node.js and related frameworks such as Express, Nest;
⦁ Experience in development of REST APIs;
⦁ Solid experience with TypeScript – JavaScript related language;
⦁ Wide experience in database design using NoSQL database MongoDB as well as
relational database Postgresql;
⦁ Practical knowlage of GraphQL, ApolloServer;
⦁ Experienced in designing client-server architecture;
⦁ Rich experience in building cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
using Electron.js;
⦁ Experienced in implementing Real-time chats using WebSocket protocol;
⦁ Considerable experience with AWS services such as S3, AWS Lambda, API Gateway,
Transcribe Service;
⦁ Strong problem-solving and communication skills;

Bachelor’s Degree with honors, Computer Science, Kharkiv National University of Radio
Electronics, Ukraine
Master’s Degree, Computer Science, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics,

Work Experience:
DataArt Solutions, Inc.,
Software Developer 2019 – May 2022
Tesseris Pro LLC
Software Developer 2017 – 2019

Recently Completed Projects:

Desktop Application for sending notifications
Client: The client is an American company that's working in the communications
solutions industry focused on large companies and corporations. They
specialize in services for sending voice and text messages, notifications,
organizing online conferences, alerts about natural disasters, creating
interactive voice menus and newsletters, sending messages on a

schedule, etc.
Platform: Cross-platform
Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript
Environments: Node.js, Express, Socket.io, Electron, RabbitMQ, Vue.js
Position: Software Developer
⦁ Creating new application components and improving existing ones;
⦁ Build REST APIs;
⦁ Database design;
⦁ Performance Testing
⦁ Managing tasks, risks and time estimation;
⦁ Communications with the client.

Travel insurance system
Client: UK insurance company based in London
Description: The project is a system of web applications which interact with each other
to achieve the main goal – create the insurance for user.
The system allows users the following:
⦁ Building policy step by step and receiving policy document, which
contains full information about policy after purchase completion;
⦁ Easily taking access to active policies and managing them using
Facebook chatbot;
⦁ Forming claims if something happened during the trip;
⦁ Sharing discount code to friends and getting the cashback;
Also, in system exists admin side where admins can get access to all
information about users, policies and claims which have been created in
the system, analyze data, build charts and so on. Every time, when
someone buys new policy or makes a claim, admins receive message in
their Slack channel with link to the created policy or the claim.
Platform: Cross-platform
Languages: JavaScript
Environments: React, Redux, Material-UI, HotJar, Node.js, Express, MongoDB (mLab),
PayPal, Stripe, Facebook API, Dialogflow, Slack, AWS S3, HyPDF, Auth0,
Mailchimp, Mandrill.
Position: Software Developer
⦁ Build Facebook chatbot and integrate it with Dialogflow;
⦁ Slack, PayPal integration;
⦁ Build REST APIs;
⦁ PayPal integration;

Guide Builder
Client: Large agrarian company based in USA
Description: The product is a tool which enables division managers and dealers to build
localized product marketing brochures, catalogs and bulletin (hereinafter
the document) tailored to their local area. The user can define how many
pages the printable document will contain. The user drags and drops
predefined objects (headlines, product image and descriptions, etc.) onto
a document layout. When user finish editing document, he can download
pdf version of it and/or make an order and receive his printed document
when it would be printed.

Platform: Cross-platform
Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript
Environments: React, Redux, Webpack, Node.js, Koa, Socket.io, MySQL, Sequelize,
Ghostscript, Webpack
Position: Software Developer
⦁ Creation and implementation of the front-end and back-end (Node.js)
⦁ Requirements gathering;
⦁ Components development;
⦁ Designing REST API for some application components;
⦁ GhostScript integration to create PDF with CMYK color profile;
⦁ Communications with the client.

Client to Client desktop sharing software
Client: American technology company based in Bose
Description: The goal of this project was to setup peer to peer connection between two
users and make possible to control partner desktop remotely. User who
want to share his desktop should generate unique desktop id and transmit
it to another user, who would control the desktop. The second user has
only 60 seconds to connect.
There are main features of desktop sharing application during connection:
⦁ The application window shows remote desktop with full keyboard and
mouse control
⦁ The toolbar is at top of the application window with the countdown for
10 minutes
⦁ There is ability to click to toggle between shared desktop screens (if
shared desktop has more than one)
⦁ It is possible to shut down connection by clicking closing button.
Platform: Cross-platform
Languages: JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Environments: Electron, WebRTC, Socket.io, RobotJS, Node.js, Express
Position: Software Developer
⦁ System initial architecture design;
⦁ Establishing peer to peer connection between two users with
⦁ Setup Express signaling server using Socket.io
⦁ Develop remote control using RobotJS library;
⦁ Email communications and meetings;


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