
Corporate English teacher, methodologist, interpreter, creative content writer

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
30 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Київ

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

English language coach for financial market professionals

з 09.2022 по 06.2023 (9 місяців)
Al-Terra (International Center for Methodology and Advanced Training of Accountants, Financiers, Auditors and Managers), Киев (Освіта, наука)

Developing customized educational programs from scratch, presentations and study guides on financial and business English topics for Elementary-Advanced levels, conducting webinars, monitoring and assessing cooperative learning outcomes.

Curriculum, Instructional, and Assessment methodologist, Business English coach

з 04.2022 по 09.2023 (1 рік 5 місяців)
SMART business, Київ (IT)

Designing and refining curriculum frameworks, ensuring they align with educational standards and meet the needs of students.

Developing effective teaching strategies, including lesson plans, assessment tools, and instructional materials that cater to diverse learning styles.

Designing assessment methods and tools to evaluate student learning, ensuring fair and accurate measurement of knowledge acquisition.

Curriculum methodologist and scriptwriter of the online English course

з 07.2020 по 10.2020 (3 місяці)
Amazing Apps, Kyiv (IT)

Developing a course framework, creating a script, writing text materials for A1-B1 users in accordance with the customer's requirements, specifics of the online English course, and the methodology agreed upon.

Corporate English language teacher, SEO and creative content writer

з 11.2019 по 02.2022 (2 роки 3 місяці)
L.K. Sense IT Development LTD, Kyiv (IT)

SEO and Creative Content Writer.
Corporate English Language Coach.
Organize participants of the course in groups and develop their studying curriculum.
Conduct online and offline English language classes according to the developed curriculum.
Adapt and adjust training materials in the studying process.
Identify and implement best practices to master the language.
Ensure quality management through monitoring participants' performance.
Produce regular progress reports citing achievements and challenges in the training process.
Consult and mentor participants to pass international exams.
Perform translations both oral (line by line) and written.

English language mentor for the top management of the company and its staff

з 06.2019 по 12.2019 (6 місяців)
Skyeton LLC, Kyiv (Машинобудування)

Curriculum and training strategy development, research and implementation of educational materials and tools based on business and aviation production topics, submitting monthly progress reports.

English language mentor for the board of directors and company personnel

з 03.2019 по 09.2019 (6 місяців)
SPANG AGRO, LLC, Kyiv (Сільське господарство, агробізнес)

Improving English language skills of the board of directors and their employees in the business, finance, law, consulting and mentoring the heads of the company to pass international exams (IELTS, TOEFL, MBA), developing educational programs and study guides, interpreting and translating.

Corporate English language coach for IT specialists

з 09.2017 по 09.2018 (1 рік)
WePlay Esports, Kyiv (IT)

Training specialist, English language tutor

з 12.2014 по 12.2019 (5 років)
Preply.com, Kyiv (Освіта, наука)

Conducting lessons online and offline, creating study guides and teaching strategies, developing and applying new techniques in the studying process, mentoring and tutoring, coaching, guiding and engaging with junior tutors.

Translator, interpreter

з 08.2014 по 08.2017 (3 роки)
The Ministry of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Киев (Державні організації)

Performing translations both written and oral from/into English, editing articles for the Internet portal, taking part in negotiations as an interpreter on international business meetings, seminars, lectures.

Certified English language teacher, methodologist, creative content writer

з 06.2014 по нині (10 років 3 місяці)
Private practice, Kyiv (Освіта, наука)

I'm a certified English language teacher and methodologist with 10 years of experience who specializes in teaching English for IT, Business, and Finance, consulting and mentoring to pass international tests (TOEFL, IELTS, CEPT, CPE, CAE, BEC, KET, PET, FCE, etc). I'm keen on developing customized educational programs and courses, tutorials and workshops based on the client's needs and goals, organizing and leading online and offline sessions, webinars and seminars, speaking, movie, and business clubs.

Here's the list of programs and courses I provide but you're welcome to order a customized one that will meet your demands.

English for white collar workers:
Career Choice
Companies and Businesses
Contacts and Social networking
Corporate structure
Selling and Marketing
Products and Services
Customer Service
Running business
Business trips
Corporate Culture
Orders and deliveries
Global issues
Planning and organizing
Conflict and cooperation

English for IT specialists:
Business ethics
Business hierarchies
Business structure
Management styles
Meetings and negotiations
Business Correspondence
Work Arrangement
Companies and Brands
Marketing and Advertising
Trade and Sales
Customer Service
Global Market
Startups and Entrepreneurship
Artificial Intelligence
Science and Innovations

English for business people and entrepreneurs:
International corporate culture
Banking and Finance
Financial statements
Companies and Work arrangement
Business correspondence
Business meetings
Business trips

English for accountancy and finance:
Organization of the financial industry
Banking and Finance
Financial statements
Writing reports
Loans and credit
Retail banking
Central banking
Foreign exchange
Stocks and shares
Asset management
International trade finance
Regulating the financial sector


KNLU (Kyiv national linguistic university)

Faculty of the Interpreters, Kyiv
Вища, з 2010 по 2014 (4 роки)

Diploma by order of the Board of Education (USA, MI) about complete general education.
The finalist of the program FLEX (Future Leaders Exchange)

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

TV presenter and newsreader courses, Media Start School


"Project mindset: from scratch to release", SoftServe IT Academy


World TESOL Academy (Accredited Teaching Certifications)


Digital Marketing of the International Digital Marketing Academy


Знання мов

  • Англійська — вільно
  • Російська — вільно
  • Українська — вільно

Додаткова інформація

Personal Qualities:
I am a sociable, all-rounded, goal-oriented, and responsible person who prefers a creative approach to work and life. I'm always on the move and eager to broaden my mind to become a better version of myself today than my yesterday self.

Interests and Hobbies:
Psychology, journalism, traveling, Spanish language, socializing with new people, dancing, modern art.

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