Резюме від 18 серпня 2013 PRO


Project manager

Повна зайнятість.
42 роки

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Deputy Director

з 02.2012 по нині (12 років 4 місяці)
Corporate salon of the sanitary ware «Ravak», Lviv (Corporate salon of the sanitary ware )

• opening and getting started of the Corporate salon «Ravak» in Lviv;
• research of company development strategies;
• management of financial and economic activities of the company;
• Development of trade procedures in line with the according to the strategic of the company;
• monitoring of the market trends, the study of market segments and entry into new market segments of the sanitary ware;
• Identification of the customer needs;
• Continuous learning of new working materials;
• search for competition methods;
• Creating, updating and maintenance of the product range in the store;
• solving conflicts and disputes as to the company's customers and suppliers;
• recruitment, training and staff management;

Regional Representative

з 07.2007 по 02.2012 (4 роки 7 місяців)
Czech company «Ravak» (wholesale business)

• The organization of trade process in the fixed regions of Ukraine;
• monitoring and execution of plans for sales, development and distribution increase in the fixed territory;
• search for new customers, maintaining and expanding of the existing customer base;
• negotiating at the level of the first persons, preparing of the individual commercial offers;
• Monitoring and control of the pricing policy in the fixed areas;
• Creating, updating and support of the product range in the stores;
• planning and analysis of the structure and dynamics of sales;
• Preparation for company participation in exhibitions and presentations;
• Organization of training sessions;
• Teaching store staff to the sales techniques;

Head of Sales

з 06.2002 по 07.2007 (5 років 1 місяць)
Salon of the sanitary ware "Onix" (retail business)

• organization and management of the sale process;
• analysis of the trading activities;
• Development of pricing and cost control;
• Creating and expanding of the customer base;
• the preparation and execution of contracts with customers and partners;
• Direct cooperation with Regional Representatives and dealers;
• supply control of goods and services in the company;
• improving the quality of services provided;
• Creating, updating and support of the product range in the store;
;• development the ways for increasing of trading volume;
• technical support of the advertising activity;


National University "Lviv Polytechnic"

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Transport, Department of Technology and Equipment of metal welding, Lviv
Вища, з 1997 по 2003 (5 років 10 місяців)

Додаткова інформація

Additional education

May 2011
Training "Working with client objections and doubts", Kiev, Baltic Training Group

May 2010
Training on "Conflict Management", Kiev, Baltic Training Group

May 2009
Training "The Art of Selling", Kiev, Baltic Training Group

Professional skills

Computer skills, software
Experienced user of Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, the Internet and e-mail;
User programs 1C: Enterprise 7.7, 8.2, image editors, etc.

Ukrainian - native
Russian - native
English - above average

Additional information

Punctual, responsible, sociable, able to make decisions quickly, easily adapt to the new conditions.
endowed with creative and organizational skills, able to work to achieve the best results
and professional self-perfection .

I own the driving licence - category B.

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