Резюме від 27 жовтня 2008


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48 років

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

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Додаткова інформація

Halyna Senysh
79031 Lviv City, 61 Stryiska St., ap.6
Date of birth: December 31st, 1975
Home phone [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»), mobile phone [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
e-mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)
[відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

July 2005 – SC of Austrian Company “Foria” training “Project Management”
October 2005 Companies field of activity – Forestry

July 2004- Monash University, Victoria, Australia
December 2004 Course – Practicing Accounting

Ukrainian State University of Forestry and Wood Technology
1993-1998 Lviv, Ukraine
Course – Accounting and Financial Audit (Diploma with honor)
Highlights of
professional experience:
2005 up to date CJSC “Lviv Textile Company” – subsidiary of Danish company BHI A/S
Activity: Production of knitting garments
Position: Executive Director
Responsibilities:  General supervising of production process;
 Administration of economical and legal aspects of Company’s activity;
 Stuff management (about 500 employees), recruiting of the employees;
 Reporting to Head Office in Denmark;
High level financial planning, budgeting, analyzing, monitoring of the
cash flow, internal auditing;
 Project management;
Cooperation with local business partners;
 Relations and cooperation with all kinds of outside controlling institutions:
• Tax office, State Pension and other Social security founds;
• Customs office;
• Labour inspection, Sanitary inspection, Ecology inspection, Fire
inspection, etc.;
• Electricity, Water, Gas supply institutions etc.
Since March’08 Liquidator of the Company
Extra Responsibilities:
Legal liquidation procedures;
Dismissing of employees;
Real estate operations;
Reinvestment procedures;
Day to day liquidation operations (selling out the assets, working with the documents, State body’s audits, etc.)

1999-2004Representative Office of Danish Company “DLH Nordisk A/S”,Ukraine
Company is the biggest trader of timber wood products in the world.
1999 - April’02 Branch Accountant / Finance Manager
April’02-June’04 Representative Manager in the Ukrainian Office
Responsibilities:  Negotiations with business partners;
 Control of the production and shipment schedules;
 Calculations, financial analyzing, budgeting and planning;
 Relations with local Tax Office and other State Authorities;
 Supply of financial and economic information, documents &
reports to Head Office in Demark;
 Transport logistics (trucks and containers);
 Other administrative work.

1999 Print House “Blits-Inform”, Lviv Branch
Position: Branch Accountant
Responsibilities:  Control of all accounting documents circulation in Branch Office;
 Relations with local Tax Office and other State Authorities;
 Reporting to Head Office in Kyiv.

1999. Private Enterprise “Molcom”, Lviv, Ukraine
Position: Chief Accountant
Responsibilities:  Control of all accounting documents circulation at the Enterprise;
 Relations with local Tax Office and other State Authorities.

Languages: Ukrainian – native, English, Polish, Russian – fluent
Civil status: Single

Additional skills: Computer programs (Word, Excel, Outlook Express, Power Point, 1C 7.7,
Bank program IFOBS, etc.)
B class of driving license (since 1998),
strong written and communication skills, an ability to work well under
pressure, handling/solving multiple tasks, ability to meet tight deadlines,
negotiation skills, creativity, very active lifestyle, responsible and optimistic
Profound knowledge in Tax Law and Labour Law
References: • Poul Jorgensen – Vice-President of DLH Nordisk A

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