Резюме від 18 серпня 2022


Главный бухгалтер, заместитель главного бухгалтера, 35 000 грн

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
51 рік

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Додаткова інформація

Zagovora Olga

Ukraine, Lviv, Skoryny St., 6-A, apt.7
Tel. [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація») (Telegram, Viber), e-mail: [відкрити контакти](див. вище в блоці «контактна інформація»)

Chief accountant

• Accounting, depreciation of fixed assets and inventory items;
• Accounting of settlements with financially responsible persons;
• Accounting of production operations;
• Accounting of the sale of goods and services (as well as their supply);
• Accounting, control of receivables and payables;
• Accounting of foreign economic activity;
• Accounting of cash transactions;
• Payroll accounting;
• Accounting of transactions under commission agreements, leasing, rent;
• Drawing up a plan (budget) of payments;
• Tax planning and accounting (tax reporting);
• Submission of reports to social insurance funds, pension fund, etc. and to the statistics department
• Preparation of management reports (according to the system implemented within the enterprise);
• Setting up an accounting system from scratch;
• Passing inspections of tax authorities;
• Conducting an internal audit;
• General management of the team.

05.2022International Rotary Club in Kharkiv
- Took part in organization of International Charity Marathon "Santa Fun Run"
- Helped with Rotary Partnership
- Dealed with internal business administration

LLC "Promimpex-Kharkiv"
Specialization of the company: production of high pressure hoses, wholesale and retail trade in a wide range of components and spare parts for industrial machinery
Position: Chief accountant (team 10 people)
- Accounting;
- Maintaining tax records;
- Conducting personnel records management;
- Working with the tax office;
- Business Administration.
- Keeping records of four private entrepreneurs.

TNK-Trans LLC (RN-Cart Ukraine LLC)
Specialization of the company: trade of oil products using cards and permit forms (cashless payment).
Position: Specialist Cashier (team 40 people)
- Accounting;
- Maintaining tax records;
- Accounting for cash transactions;
- Business Administration.

JSC "UkrDicement".
Specialization of the company: services for the development of documentation in the field of cement production.
Position: Chief accountant (team 30 people)
- Accounting;
- Maintaining tax records;
- Conducting personnel records management;
- Working with the tax office ;
- Business Administration.
- Work with the tax authorities and funds (Social insurance funds, pension fund), passing inspections

Spika I LLC (transferred from HC LLC TNK-BP Commerce)
Specialization of the company: wholesale of oil products.
Position:Leading accountant (team 20 people)
- Accounting;
- Maintaining tax records;
- Working with the tax office.
06.2007-04.2009TNK-BP Commerce Ltd.
Specialization of the company: wholesale of oil products
Position: Leading accountant (team 20 people)
- Accounting;
- Maintaining tax records;
- Working with the tax office, interaction with the tax office

01.2005- 06.2007
Public corporation "Sortsemovosch".
Specialization of the company: wholesale and retail trade of seeds, fertilizers, agricultural constructions, etc.
Position: Chief accountant (team 30 people)
- Accounting;
- Maintaining tax records;
- Conducting personnel records management;
- Working with the tax office;
- Business Administration.
- Keeping records of two private entrepreneurs

05.2004- 12.2004
LLC "Granit-Service".
Specialization of the company: production and sale of natural stone products.
Position: Chief accountant (team 5 people)
- Accounting;
- Maintaining tax records;
- Conducting personnel records management;
- Working with the tax office;
- Business Administration.

06.2000 – 05.2004
Totus Private Enterprise
Specialization of the company: wholesale coal and timber trading
Position: Deputy of Economics Director (functionally Chief Accountant) (team 5 people)
- Accounting;
- Maintaining tax records;
- Conducting personnel records management;
- Working with the tax office;
- Business Administration.
07.1995 – 06.2000
State Tax Administration in Kharkiv Region
Position: Senior State Tax Inspector. Rank 3
- Control on taxation in the sphere of foreign economic activity
1990 - 1995
Kharkov State Academy of Railway Transport
Specialty: "Accounting, Control and Analysis of Economic Activity
Red diploma
Additional Information:
Personal qualities : responsible, decent, punctual, independent.
PC: 1C:Enterprise 8.3., Best-Zvit, Medok, Sonata, Microsoft Word, Excel, Internet;
English: B1.
- attended various trainings, professional courses
Date of birth - July 11, 1972, married, have a daughter - 26 y.o.

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