
Electrical engineer

39 років
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Інші країни, Київ, Львів

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Electrical engineer

з 02.2008 по нині (16 років 7 місяців)
Opal, Київ (Енергетика)

Electrical engineer

from 01.2012 to the present (10 years 4 months)
Agrolife transservice, LORTA. AST elevator, Lviv (production)
Management of electrical installation and commissioning works.
Control of modes and limits of consumed electricity. Work with subcontractors
organizations Responsible for OP and PB, solving operational problems
buildings, premises, communication systems, machinery and equipment, building repairs,
power grid
--Current and prospective planning (budgets, work plan).
Issuance of orders and orders. Additions of a pressure vessel, OP, 5 gr
electrical safety
I know energy-saving technologies: heat pump (90% savings), solar
collectors and batteries, materials; biogas installations, reactive compensation
capacity, knowledge of pneumatics, electronics, microprocessor devices. Work
with ABB, Simeans and Soviet AVR equipment. Knowledge of ASKOE, ASUTP.
Providing the enterprise with energy resources (electricity, gas, water, vessels
under pressure) 5 tolerance group, tolerance for gas and pressure vessels. Technical rules
and safe operation of electrical installations, regulations on labor protection and
fire safety;
-Knowledge of normative documents on the organization and operation of engineering and technical
-Conducting inspections, organizing planned and unplanned repairs of buildings,
power grid Calculation and submission to Oblenergo of electricity consumption,
maintenance of 14 TP10/0.4kV and TP110/10kV
Management of the energy service (electrical fitters) by builders
Control and automation design. Knowledge of AvtoCad. Management of those on duty
electricians, maintenance of electrical equipment, knowledge of operational and
repair switches.
Management of RP installation, work with controllers.
Work with ABB, Simeans, General electrik and domestic equipment
02, 2013-01, 2015 - electrical engineer of start-up and debugging works EPZM-6, admission
up to 1000 V and above (lighting) knowledge of relay protection and automation Work with ABB, Simeans, General electrik and domestic equipment. Set-up automated production lines, substations

06.2008 - 06.2012. Design engineer of control and automation of substations
EnergoStroyProekt. Knowledge of the principles of operation and selection of power equipment,
control and automation systems, relay protection of substations, Work with
ABB, Siemens and domestic equipment.

Lviv Polytechnic University, electrical engineering. Lviv
Higher, from 2002 to 2008

Знання і навички

  • 1С:Торгівля і склад
  • Запуск виробничого процесу

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