
Project manager, business analyst, 8 000 грн

Повна зайнятість, неповна зайнятість.
43 роки
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Дистанційно, Київ, Львів, Харків

Контактна інформація

Шукач вказав телефон та ел. пошту.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Head of training department

з 01.2008 по 01.2009 (1 рік)
EPAM Systems, Lviv (IT)

- Training department marketing
- Recruitment (Adv, presentations and interviews)
- Lectures conducting
- Gathering requirements for internal staff development
- Project management of internal projects
- Top management coaching

- Created training department from scratch.
- Prepared 2 groups of newcomers up to junior-developer level with the specialization: “ASP.NET 2.0” and “J2EE”.
- Conducted corporate lectures: “Business communication”, “Time management for developers”, “Project management basis”.

Team trainer

з 10.2006 по 01.2008 (1 рік 3 місяці)
Artfulbits, Lviv (IT)

- Gathering requirements for internal staff development.
- Interviewing candidates
- Conducting training cources for newcomers
- Conducting training for developers and qa.
- Project management of internal projects.

- Created training-center.
- Prepared 3 groups of newcomers up to junior-developer level with the specialization: “ASP.NET”, “Windows Forms”, “WPF and .NET 3.0”.
- Conducted corporate lectures: “C# 2005 and .NET 2.0 Framework”, “XML/XPath/XSLT”, “C# and .NET for QA ingeneers”, “Time management for developers”.

ASP.NET Developer

з 11.2005 по 02.2006 (3 місяці)
Prologic, Inc, Lviv (IT)

UltimateHarvest development – Web-based Co-op Management system. Development framework – ASP.NET and MS SQL Server.

ASP.NET Developer

з 04.2004 по 11.2005 (1 рік 7 місяців)
SoftServe, Inc. , Lviv (IT)

HAT Voyager - comprehensive performance management system. Development framework – ASP.NET.
Client: HAT – USA Software Company.

CYA HotBackup – utility to work with Documentum platform. Development framework – C.
Client: CYA – USA Software Company.

Arbitration Dispute Resolution application – solution for judicial branch. Development framework – ASP.NET.
Client: CMC Software – USA Software Company.

BaseShop Content management system – web portal for content management. Development framework - ASP.NET.
Client: Djurs Gruppen - Denmark publishing company

ASP.NET Developer

з 11.2003 по 03.2004 (4 місяці)
InterLogic, Lviv (IT)

InterLogic manager - Web portal for project management. Development framework – ASP.NET, DB part on MS SQL Server 2000.
Client: Interlogic Inc

Delphi developer

з 09.2002 по 11.2003 (1 рік 2 місяці)
Finestudio Inc. , Lviv (IT)

Finestudio Project manager – desktop tool for managing tasks, projects, permissions and letters. Development framework – Delphi5, DB part on Interbase 6.5.
Client: Finestudio Inc.

Finestudio SourceSafe - – desktop tool, analogy of MS SourceSafe with extended features. Development framework – Delphi5, DB part on Interbase 6.5. .
Client: Finestudio Inc.


I.Franko National University

Applied mathematics, Lviv
Вища, з 1997 по 2002 (4 роки 8 місяців)

M.Sc. Diploma in Cryptography, Electronic money and RSA algorithm.

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Self-Transformation Coaching (Vsevolod Zelenin), Lviv, 05.2008 – 02.2009

9 months

International Trainers Training (Marilyn Atkinson), Kyiv, 10.2008

10 days

Model of effective seminar sells. Moscow, 03.11.2006

7 days

Знання і навички

  • Управлінські навички
  • Продаж
  • Адміністрування
  • Маркетинг
  • Програмування
  • Проведення тренінгів
  • C#
  • MS SQL Server
  • Коучінг
  • Створення навчальних систем

Знання мов

Англійська — просунутий

Додаткова інформація

My experience in IT is about 7 years. During first 4 years I was involved in desktop/web development for foreign customers. For some periods I was programming teacher at IT Step academy. Then I was freelancer. Last 2 years I was creating training centers for software companies and conducting technology trainings (C#, ASP.NET, design patterns) and soft skills trainings (time management for developers, project management, and business communication).

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