Особисті дані приховані

Цей шукач вирішив приховати свої особисті дані та контакти, але йому можна надіслати повідомлення або запропонувати вакансію.

Цей шукач вирішив приховати свої особисті дані та контакти. Ви можете зв'язатися з ним зі сторінки https://www.work.ua/resumes/428041/

Chief Procurement / Material Manager, 15 000 грн

Повна зайнятість.
Місто проживання:
Готовий працювати:
Інші країни, Київ, Львів

Контактна інформація

Шукач приховав свої особисті дані, але ви зможете надіслати йому повідомлення або запропонувати вакансію, якщо відкриєте контакти.

Прізвище, контакти та світлина доступні тільки для зареєстрованих роботодавців. Щоб отримати доступ до особистих даних кандидатів, увійдіть як роботодавець або зареєструйтеся.

Досвід роботи

Head of sales department, responsible for export

з 06.2007 по нині (17 років 3 місяці)
Production of and trade in furniture

Official duties:
1. Responsible for foreign trade: providing constant increase of export volume, taking part in international exhibitions, export/import negotiating, a search of new foreign customers, creation of price lists for foreign customers, preparing contracts and addendums to the contracts to signing, receiving and processing orders for furniture and creation on their basis invoices, addendums to the contract, packing lists, certificates of origin and other necessary documents, etc.
2. Responsible for work with customs and other State authorities, such as The state sanitary and epidemiologic service, The main state inspection of quarantine of plants of Ukraine, The state ecological inspection of Ukraine, and other: organization of passing of the production different kinds of necessary controls such as sanitary, fitosanitary, ecological, radiological; organization and getting customs clearance for the production and inputs for producing furniture, etc.
3. Responsible for national sales: planning and organization shipments of production, keeping debtors obligations under control, Ukraine market investigation, a search of new customers, taking part in exhibitions, negotiating, preparing contracts and addendums to the contracts to signing, , etc.
4. Responsible for work with the railway: organization shipments of containers and wagons and registration all necessary documents on the railway, etc.

Deputy head of sales department, responsible for export

з 04.2005 по 06.2007 (2 роки 2 місяці)
Kompaniya Kiyanka-Steinhoff Ltd., Joint Venture, tm. Diewahl, L'viv (production of and trade in furniture)

Official duties:
1. Responsible for foreign trade,
2. Responsible for work with customs and other State authorities,
3. Responsible for work with The railway,
4. Responsible for preparing different reports for Board.


з 10.2003 по 04.2005 (1 рік 6 місяців)
Kompaniya Kiyanka-Steinhoff Ltd., Joint Venture, tm. Diewahl. , L'viv (production of and trade in furniture)

Official duties:
Keeping debtors obligations and shipment of production under control, analysis of financial and economic activities of the company, creation different kinds of reports for Steinhoff group, etc.


Ivan Franko national university of L’viv

Economic faculty, department of economic theory, L'viv
Вища, з 2003 по 2009 (5 років 10 місяців)

Graduate student.
Theme of dissertation: «Macroeconomic analysis of national product production in Ukraine».
Seven articles on dissertation’s theme was published.

Ivan Franko national university of L’viv

Faculty of international relations, department of international economic relations, L'viv
Вища, з 1998 по 2003 (4 роки 10 місяців)

Having graduated the university the diploma of master’s degree in international economic relations with honour was given.
Speciality: Economist-specialist in international relations, translator.
Languages studied: English, German, Polish.

Додаткова освіта та сертифікати

Commercial diplomacy course of Ottawa university. The aim of the course was detailed study of World Trade Organization.

A year, from 01.09.2001 to 30.06.2002.

Знання і навички

  • MS Excel
  • MS Word
  • Internet User
  • Accounting
  • International Economic Relations
  • Negotiating
  • National & Foreign Sales
  • Work with customs
  • Work with the railway

Знання мов

  • Українська — вільно
  • Російська — вільно
  • Англійська — просунутий
  • Польська — середній
  • Німецька — початковий

Додаткова інформація


Diploma: The diploma of master’s degree in international economic relations with honour.
Speciality: Economist-specialist in international relations, translator.
Certificates: A certificate of commercial diplomacy course of Ottawa university.
A certificate about passing of training „Business negotiating”.
Publications: Seven articles on dissertation’s theme was published.
Scientific conferences: Three speeches was made on scientific conferences in the L’viv Ivan Franko national university.
Driver license: „В” category.

Date of birth: 25.02.1981.
Family status: unmarried.
Features of character: responsible, punctual, sociable, even temper, inventive, inherent organizational capabilities and aspiration for permanent professional growth and self-perfection.
Without harmful habits. Engaged in sport.

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